Letters of the Deceased

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"If you want to get yourself killed by all means go ahead." George rolled his eyes.

"We're not going to get killed just because you won't be there, Lucy and I have taken on plenty of cases without you."

"That was before she went delusional-"

"Hey! I'm sitting right here!"

"and I am getting tired of you making decisions without checking in with us first, you may be the boss but we can't keep changing plans and taking risks for you." Lockwood glanced to Mary, she mouthed to keep trying.

"Lucy has been improving every day. She's not as bad as the last time she went out with us, and plus Lucy has been taking cases behind our backs and doing perfectly fine."

"You knew about that?" Lucy's face went pale.

"Of course I did, I am the boss I know everything that goes on around here, plus I got a call from one of your past clients. I wasn't happy to find out you'd been taking cases but I was delighted to hear that all your cases had gone even smoother than the past few cases George and I have been on."

"You knew she was going behind our backs and let her keep doing it what if she had gotten in trouble without anyone there to help her."

"I'll be with her on this case, I'll be there to help her and she'll be there to help me. It'll be fine. Plus Mary will be home all alone, what if someone tries to break in again. Someone needs to be here to protect her, and if you don't think Lucy can handle a simple Visitor, which she has been trained to handle since she was young, then how will she handle a knife or even gun-wielding criminal?"

"I suppose you have the slightest hint of a point." George wiped his glasses on his sweater angrily. "But don't expect me to be sympathetic when Lucy comes home missing an arm or something."

Mary stood and grabbed George by the ear pulling him out of the room, both Lockwood and Lucy sighed knowing that they couldn't stop whatever she was about to do. The muffled sounds of shouts protrude through the walls but soon George and Mary came back to the kitchen, George looking less angry, Mary more devilish.

"Lucy I am sorry for my lack of trust in you, I just don't want to see you hurt again that's all." George apologized. "And Lockwood I'm sorry for questioning your leadership though it is usually very questionable, and fine. I will willingly stay behind tonight, but you better be home quick and unharmed or I'll wring your neck like a washcloth." George threatened and pointed a butter knife at Lockwood who held his hands up in defense.

"Maybe next time say what you mean instead of being rude, but it's fine, I understand why you feel the way you do." Lucy felt the scar on her cheek. "I know I've messed up a lot but Lockwood thinks I'm getting better, I feel better. Have faith in me."

"Yes George have faith in my little one, or at least have faith in the fact that I will gouge your eyes out." Mary warned, George, rolled his eyes but agreed in silence. Lockwood and Lucy then prepared themselves to go on the case and once it got darker they were off leaving George pouting and Mary smirking at Lockwood.

"Your sister is um." Lockwood said as he and Lucy crawled out of a taxi.

"Manipulative. Rude. Crazy." Lucy listed on her fingers as they shivered their way to the door.

"Yeah she's all of those things and more, but she's a lot like you too. Clever, and stubborn, and other nice things." Lockwood ran a nervous hand through his hair as they entered the small apartment. "Let's make our rounds, as usual, holler if you find anything."

Lockwood and Lucy went from room to room checking temperatures, looking, listening and investigating. The apartment was really rather small, the living room was the first room you stepped into, dog toys and cat posts still scattered across the floor from the previous tenant. It was hard for Lockwood and Lucy not to run into each other and it didn't take long to finish their search, they sat on the floor of the kitchen in an iron chain circle with their tea and cookies.

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