Chapter three

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Can I just say how grateful I am for all the reads Hypophrenia is getting, and how many people have added it to their reading lists, like wow. You guys are amazing.


I exited the library like a normal person, not being able to pass through the door in the presence of Luke. He held the door for me, his teeth still lightly nibbling down on his bottom lip that was sure to have at leave one mark, evidence of how nervous he really was.

We were the only ones in the quiet, dingy hallway. Despite the grimy atmosphere of being boxed in between the cinder block constructed walls, walking them was just a little bit better since I happened to be walking with Luke. I didn't have a clue in the world exactly what it was about this boy, I just had a certain liking for him. He just seemed so, not like everyone else. I guess I had gotten so used to Ashton and how cheery his dialogue always was, and how happy he was in general. Luke seemed so different compared to him, and it fascinated me.

Luke began walking at a considerable pace, though the length of his legs carried him far further than I could keep up with. I struggled to stay at his side, so after a few seconds of half jogging and half power walking I decided I was fine with lagging behind a few inches.

Again, Luke held the old metal door for me, it's rusty metal handle squealing as Luke pushed it back for me. A small smile revealed itself on my lips as I quietly muttered a thank you and Luke and he replied with a short nod, releasing the door back to its previous position.

Yesterdays rain remained, still looming in the air, moisture thickening the oxygen, a Vague but powerful scent of stale rain water quickly seeping up into my nostrils. Though, it didn't bother me. I had always fancied the smell of rain, for some odd and unusual reason. I had always been a bit of a pluviophile.

I shoved my hands inside the pockets of my jacket, my fingers curling and uncurling,then curling again around the fabric inside as my gaze dropped to the concrete, still following Luke who still took the lead by a good three steps. The rubber lining around my worn out converse was running thin, scuffing against the crude concrete, a few holes already worked into my shoes. I needed new ones. But a certain little issue called death didn't exactly allow me the luxury of going to purchase new, unblemished white converse hightops.

The time seemed as if it had sped up considerably, Luke and I already halfway across the football field, old, dead grass crumbling to bits as our feet made contact with the dead blades. There was a thick silence in the air. I hadn't said anything, and Luke hadn't sparked up anything remotely close to a conversation either. It was just us and a lonely silence. Silence.

I felt a twinge of sadness flash my mind, and I involuntarily felt like shrinking back into my hoodie, evaporating before anyone could notice my absence. Here is a boy with sparkling blue eyes, comparable to sapphires with just a bit less pigment. Here is a different boy, from what my current knowledge provides me with. Though, I had thought Luke may have actually wanted to ask me to accompany him on his journey to the painfully depressing memorial of all the slaughtered in a great tragedy. But the more thought I invested into the matter the more I began to see he may have not wanted me to tag along at all, and only offered out of kindness, not wanting to be rude. Luke
Seemed like someone who would offer something as such.

Ignoring the doubt I had provided myself with, I followed Luke's path until he came to a halt, his gaze resting upon the scattered patch of old stone slabs. Finally, I was able to be level with him, stopping a few inches from his side as my eyes gazed the same stones his were.

I couldn't help the curiosity that had risen inside me, and the words came tumbling from my lips before I had a chance to bite them back. "So, you know about the masscre?" I immediately flush, regretting letting my mouth fly open.

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