What is a Lunar?

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Lunars can be one of these four animals: Wolf, Deer, Rabbit, or Bear.
They have no fur but are made of cosmic matter. They roam the forests at night, usually found in darker places of the forests. The colors of a Lunar can be any color(s).
Lunars are super rare and are hardly ever seen.
All Lunars breathe a cosmic plasma, which can be any color.
Lunars are Peaceful creatures most of the time, but if you do anything to harm or upset them, they will strike.


(including the forgotten legends)

Long ago, the Lunars were sent down from the cosmos, made from stars. The Deer, the Wolf, the Rabbit, and the Bear. Lunars are said to be living constellations. Since they look like a galaxy. It is very rare to have a Lunar(which means you and the Lunar are connected in some way).Your Lunar is said to watch upon you from the sky at day, and roam the forests at night, and maybe, even searching for you.
Elders say that you have a strong connection with your Lunar. Even though you don't know you have one.
Lunars only come out at night, usually found in dark places in forests, Where they can only be found.
Rarely you will find a Lunar, for they are extremely wild and intelligent creatures.
Some people who do have Lunars, never find out that they have one.
All Lunars can be very dangerous, since they can breathe a deadly cosmic plasma.

|short story|
When the world was young, there was no such thing as magic. Everything was simple. Until the Lunars were sent down. The wolf, bear, deer, and rabbit. These animals were chosen very precise and cautiously. Who knows what could have happened if the wrong animals were chosen to be a Lunar. There are still regular wolves, bears, deer, and rabbits. But there are some that are...special...
A child was skipping through a forest that was said to be enchanted. She had always wondered what really made the dark forest so enchanting. The night sky gleamed above her head. Then a small rustling sound came from the nearest bush. The thing that had made the noise poked its nose out, then its head, until it was standing in front of the girl. It was small. Constellations, galaxies, and many other undiscovered wonders decorated the creature, that seemed to be a rabbit. The girl reached out her tiny hand to touch the creature. And as their bodies touched, the girl's eyes were filled with wonder. She had to tell about this amazing discovery.
Years later, as the girl had passed away, the scrolls she had written about the Lunars she had encountered stayed behind, where many others would find someday.
|short story end|

Some Lunars are more shy than others. Deer are the most jittery out of the group, where the bears are the ones who will most likely approach first.
The cosmic plasma that Lunars breathe is slightly transparent, so you can see through it just a bit. It can be extremely deadly.
Lunars can only be found in large, dark, deep forests.



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I used bases for the animals

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I used bases for the animals. For the Wolf and bear I went on safari and found them, it didn't state a specific artist though. But the website was DragoArt.com
The rabbit base was made by alffis on DeviantArt.
The Deer base was made by peachbyadopts on DeviantArt.
I give credit to those artists whose bases I used to make these Lunars so amazingly spectacular!


The Lunars are a Magic type(I don't really know what to call it) of creature in Arty's book, "Balance: The Ten Celestials"



People who own a Lunar(s)

voidxnova- Galaxy(Bunny Lunar)
bromelaidprince- (Bear Lunar)
samphire song- (Bunny Lunar)
Graywingforever- (Wolf Lunar)
Wolf_568 - (Bear Lunar)

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