The six of us couldn't be more happy to see more khaos players.
We walked through the gate into a road full of Khaos players, they were all dressed differently and were all having peaceful conversations.
There was a sign beside us that spelt out "Welcome to level two: The Hangro City."
Infront of us there was a water fountain that was in the middle of a circular district.
The circle connected to four other roads with wooden sign boards, the first one said safe houses, the second one said shopping district and landmarks, while the third said Khaos arena and quest boards.
The last sign said boss dungeon.
"I say we leave this level quickly," Geminade stated.
"I agree, there's not that many people here and I hate being tagged as a level two player," Kevin said.
"I think we should rest a little," I suggested.
"Yeah, let's try taking a look around," Richard added.
"Alright fine, I'm heading to the landmarks then," Geminade stated.
"Oh I'll go with you," Retrix said.
"I'm gonna go check out the Khaos arenas," I said.
"I'll go with you, I want to see some of those so called quests," Kevin said.
"Fine, let's meet up at the boss dungeon entrance in thirty minutes," Richard stated.
We all walked our seperate directions.
KhaosIt was late at night in the Kylo City of level twenty eight.
Three khaos players steeped into a restaurant in the landmark district.
"Hey did you hear, words going around that the Dark Syndicate has appeared," one player said, whole taking a seat.
"You mean the guy that won the first Khaos tournament, well that's dangerous," His friend said.
"Yeah, Tyrack's army put a large bounty on that guy, soon everyone will be out for his head," the third player said.
'Yeah well, It would be nice to capture that guy, especially being able to get that kind of bounty."
They all laughed at their table, behind them sat a woman dressed in a red ninja costume.
She had a piece of cloth shielding the lower part of her face.
"He's here," the woman whispered to herself.
"I have to go find him," she said while rushing out of the restaurant.
Khaos"What do you think, should I get a new outfit?" Olivia asked as she searched a clothing store.
"I wouldn't have followed you if I knew you were gonna spend the whole day on clothe shopping," Retrix said.
"Come on Olivia, let's leave, you don't have enough khaos coins for this," Retrix said.
Olivia stopped and stomped up to Retrix's face.

The Khaos Alliance
Ciencia FicciónAfter the events of the first Khaos Tournament, Ivan Tresh and five others have entered the Khaos universe in order to free the other players from being trapped in the game. In order to do this, they need to defeat Tyrack who is now titled as the Ki...