Mixed Emotions

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Demetrius had been waiting at Heritage park for 3 hours because Bridget told him she had to attend volleyball practice on short notice and that she'd have to go home to get ready for their date. And even though he hated waiting on people, Demetrius understood that his girlfriend lived outside of the city. As he sat on the warm park-bench, Demetrius thought about what his childhood friend had said earlier, the thought that Nick could be right about Bridget's parents being rednecks made him cringe on the inside. That's when he checked the time and replaced his basketball shoes with the dirty white chucks Nick's Father; Micheal Brown, had given him for his 15th birthday. Of course, they were all nice and clean when Demetrius received them. But now they resembled the old white t-shirts that Nick's dad used to wipe his hands with as he worked endlessly on cars at his repair shop.

Even though the shoes were six years old, Demetrius wore them as a reminder of his best friend's dad and what happened to him on August 9, 2014. Demetrius had grown up with Nick and the only time he can recall his friend shedding tears is when the cops shot his father. He remembers it vividly because it haunts him every time Nick tells him happy birthday. On the night of the slaying, Nick Brown and Demetrius Johnson were enjoying the breeze that mixed with the chatter of the busy city. they calmly walked a path which would end at a corner store where they would buy snacks for their sleepover at Nick's house. The occasion was Demetrius's 15th birthday and he chose to spend it at Nick's house because Koole had moved to South Dakota after his mother accepted an office Job at Wells Fargo.

Mr. Brown was weary after a long day of repairing cars, so he decided to let the kids have fun. He told his son not to worry about taking the trash out and that he would only be letting Nick off the hook because they would be moving soon, he wanted Nick to spend time with Demetrius. But while taking out the trash for his son, Micheal Brown was stopped by two enforcers that were sent by Officer Darren Harper. The two devils that were in disguise as peace keepers stopped Mr.Brown and asked him for identification to ensure they were at the correct location. But Mr.brown knew that if he was not being detained for a crime he did not have to speak nor I.D. himself to the officers. He retreated into his home and locked gate, Mr.Brown then waited for Demetrius and his son to return from the corner store. what happened next is still painful for Demetrius to watch. And even though the enforcers refused to release the body cam video of the incident, you can view it at the top of this page thanks to the Police Activity

Bridget's old Camino raced past Narkatos liquor store which resided in the heart of Sioux Falls' unofficial hood. The 2 door vehicle dashed like a sprinter on steroids because she knew not to spend a lot of time in this part of the city. Just a couple of years ago a man was shot point blank in the face inside of a casino near Nakatos. And even though the shooter was cleansed by Harper a week later, Bridget made it her goal to stay away from that place. She quickly parked the all black El Camino when she noticed Demetrius sleeping on a bench at heritage Park.

Bridget: "babe I'm sorry I'm late, coach had us stay after practice to get ready for next weeks tournament"

Bridget didn't know how much longer Demetrius would keep falling for her volleyball lies, but she waited for his response before changing her story.

Demetrius: "Don't be sorry, I haven't had a nap like that in years"
(Stands up and kisses Bridget on the forehead)

Bridget: "Good, maybe this time you won't sleep through the movie"

Demetrius: "oh haha, it's not my fault the directors produced a bedtime story"

Bridget: "it was a romance and a darn good one if I do say so myself"

Demetrius: ''why pay money to see other people romance when we got our own?"

Bridget: "Yeah whatever, let's just hurry before the restaurant closes."

Bridget and Demetrius both got into the car that low-key wanted to be a pick-up truck and drove away into the sunset. As the watched a couple fall in love on a theater screen, Bridget couldn't stop tears from rolling down her cheeks. She didn't want to tell Harper where to find Demtrius's broad shoulders and well defined lips. Her stomach churned as butterflies floated inside her. So she laid her head on her boyfriend's chest as the couples kissed on screen. The day had ended perfectly for Demetrius, he had spent time with his two trusted friends and managed to kiss the girl of his dreams. On the other hand,Bridget was worried as she watched Demetrius eat the fried chicken he had ordered. But she wasn't worried about him, she was worried about what would happen to her if she did not deliver him to the Klan. Bridget actually liked the sweet young man and wished she didn't have to lie to him all the damn time. The thought made her feel sick; she played with her food endlessly, but when Demetrius asked about it, she assured him everything was fine.

Officer Harper had been tailing Bridget from the moment she sped out of their meeting place, and now his squad car has parked a block down from Demetrius's apartment building. He was growing tired of the endless dates Bridget said were required for this donor, the other four black guys she dated were killed in a timely fashion, but the girl insisted that this Nigger is smarter than the previous four. Harper watched as the couple walked into the apartment complex before driving away. He had gotten what he came for, he now knew where to find Demetrius. Officer Harper needed this Donor more than any other because Demetrius' rare AB-negative blood type is a perfect match for His Dying grandmother. He was starting to loose faith in the 18 year old dragon; Harper just can't see Bridget delivering before his grandmother runs out of time, he pulled into his drive way thinking that shooting Demetrius during a traffic stop might be the best option. But the Klan looked down on that, they thought it brought unessicary attention to them.

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