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There were a lot of Injuries I could recall. Some done on purpose, out of spite , plainly out of anger or out of revenge. But in this case half of the injuries were done out of anger. We would fight and make up a day after or even a few hours later. We called them petty fights.
There was this time, Me and Alayah fought over a banana.
My cousins fought over a chair by pelting each other with the chair they fought  for. My cousins fighting over the swing (someone got pitch-slapped).
Someone got pelt with a clay pot.
Out of fun were things like ; a gardening hoe's blade falling on my cousin's head. Me falling from a tree and almost dieing(that was actually really fun,the tree was wet), my other cousin tripping on a wheel barrow and the list goes on but no matter how many times we fought we'd make up everytime. No matter who got hurt we kept going and we kept getting hurt. The injuries got minor as we grew older but it never stopped us from having fun.

Imma' always remember the fights....alwaysssssss. lol
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Please for meeeeeee...eeeee..eeeee.
I don't wanna have to beg anymore. I sound greedy. Lol

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