Everything started to go back to normal and Exllucifire,Chad, and Dikk went to school as usual. To their surprise Jimmy was at school. Jimmy has the personality disorder(like split) and can be extremely volatile. Pink was sitting alone because he was in fifth grade and 15. Icky said "I thought I killed you" "Huh?" Jimmy asked. "Wow" Icky thought maybe it was different person and told this to Chad who concluded that it was a different person. There had been rumors going around that a new kid was moving into town. Chad was happy to hear this and hoped he was in seventh grade since it was the grade Chad was in. The day was normal, but his sub for ELA was extremely rude and kind of racist. His science teacher had given them a very hard test, but Chad passed with a 86. Exllucifire passed with a 100. Other than that not much else had happened. It was like everything was normal once again. Well, normal can stretch a little...
Freak Show
HumorDifferent characters with different backgrounds, personalities and stories to tell.