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  The laughter and the joy, it all seems so......unreal. It was the beginning and the end. It was where it started and finished. Once his pride, happiness and passion. Now his deepest sorrow and regret. He had lost both of them there, dying at their very own father's hands, or should he say, creations.

  The shiny metal of the car glistened in the moonlight. The headlights shone brightly against the nearest streetsign, speed limit 20. They were near.

  "Father what is your purpose of coming here again?"

  There was no reply.

  "There is enough staff to manage the place, so why? We both know you hate-"

  "Shut up Michael." Michael shifted uncomfortably in the driver's seat and remained silent, not wanting to anger his father. Taking a quick glance at the older man, his eyes went back to the road. He knew very well what the consequences were. The rest of the journey was filled with the monotone sound of tyres rolling over the rough uneven road, no word came out of either man's mouth.

  The iris purple Chevrolet Corsica pulled up in front of the restaurant. This place held so many memories, both good and bad. Through the glass window of the restaurant, the very first one could be seen. His first creation, the start of everything. It took the cake to the children, it's smile plastered ever so widely across it's face. The same smile of the same jaw. The jaw that he first created, belonging to the one and only Fredbear.

  It has been exactly ten years on this exact day and the memory was still as clear as day. As if it just happened yesterday. It replayed over and over again like a broken recorder in his mind. Forever etched in there, he could never get rid of it.

  He could still hear the screams of terror, the helpless failing of arms as the animatronic jaw came down on the child's head, crushing the fragile skull. The clear liquid that fell to the ground soon turned red, the crying stopped. Music continued to play as if nothing went wrong, but the roaring of laughter had completely died down. Never had the place been so quiet, so deprived of human life. For once, it almost seemed......depressing.

  He set a polished shoe on the ground, feeling the gravel crunch under his foot. Taking a deep breath of the warm summer night, he stepped out of the car with his pink trenchcoat billowing in the wind behind him. At this time of the night, most adults would have gone home to eat with their families, yet he stood there alone. The street felt deserted, the only source of life being "Fredbear's Family Diner".

  High pitched giggles and laughter came from inside. The lights of the diner's logo blinked and flashed, illuminating the whole street. Ten years and he still could not bring himself to forget it. "Mark......" he whispered as a single teardrop ran down his cheek.

  "I miss him too father." A hand was placed gently on his shoulder. "We all do."

  "He was too young Michael." He stared into the nothingness. "They were all too young."

  "I'll be in the car if you need me." Deciding to give him some space.

  "Mark......why?" He stared blankly into the diner as tears began to stream down his cheeks. "M-mister?" The voice of a young boy broke the silence. He turned towards the child. "Are you okay? You're crying?" The young boy had dark brown hair and huge innocent brown eyes, swollen and red from crying, just like Mark.

  "Yes I'm fine." He wiped his tears aside with the sleeve of his coat. "Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be having fun with the other kids?"

  "But none of them like me, all of them call me names and make fun of me. No one wants to play with me." like Mark.

  Mark did not deserve to die, of all people why did he have to die? He was so young, so innocent.  It could have been anyone, anyone instead of him. This boy here was just like Mark, but instead of him it was...was...Mark.

  There are only two things in the world that drive a man off the ledge, that can make a man do the craziest things. It was love and money. In this case, it was love.

  How was it fair that someone almost like a reincarnation of Mark could survive while Mark was gone. It was unfair, he deserved the same fate.
It was only right that he shared the same fate as Mark.

  "Do you eat cake?" He asked, smiling so wide, it was almost unnatural.

  "Yes Mister." The boy stared up at him, eyes glistening in the moonlight.

  "Call me Mr William." He grinned,"Wait out here, I'm going to get you something."

  William pushed open the front door, just to be greeted by the his very own Fredbear serving cake to the children. No one noticed him over the sounds of their own excitement. He walked right into the kitchen, the chefs and kitchen maids would have been at the back smoking at this hour. William grabbed a steel kitchen knife that lay carelessly on a chopping board and slid it into the front pocket if his trenchcoat. He silently made his way back out.

  The crying child stood outside the pizzeria in hope that his new friend would bring him cake, not knowing that he would recieve something better.

  "Close your eyes." William teased as he walked behind the child.

  "Open up." His eyes opened, then realised the cold piece of metal pressed against his neck.

   "Mr Willi-" William covered his mouth before he could scream and slid the knife across his neck. Hearing him choke over his own blood, William grinned. If possible, he grinned wider as the boy's lifeless body fell to the ground. The knife in his hand glistened ever so brightly with blood. What did he just do? He laughed and laughed, he could not stop- "Father!"

  Michael stared in horror. He had just witnessed a child being murdered. Refusing to believe what he had just saw, he clutched his head in his hands. ""

  "Son drive," The murderer got into the car "now."


  "Drive now!"

  Michael did not bulge. "Father I want to know what happened."

  "I said DRIVE!" The next thing he knew, the knife was up against Michael's neck.

  "Do not make me repeat once more." There was a long hesitation, silence then...

  "Father tell me what happened."

  The knife-

  "Hey guys, I think the little man said he wants to give Fredbear a big kiss! ON THREE! One.... two....."

tightened within his grip, palms shaking,

"Daddy she can make balloons! Have you seen her make balloons? Oh, daddy let me go to her!"

it clattered to the ground. Droplets of blood splattering over Michael.

  First Mark then Melanie, not Michael now. He had no choice but to slam Michael's head against the steering wheel to cause him to blackout. Pushing Michael to the side, he took over the driver.

  "Don't ever leave me son."

  The wind blew in his face, shiny tears streamed behind his smile.





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