Chapter 3

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  "Goodness you're finally awake!"

  After he collapsed from exhaustion, I brought him back to my place. He looked so peaceful when he slept,
except when he started talking in his sleep.

  "Melanie!" He would cry, before breaking down in tears, then falling back into deep sleep.

  "Scott?" He stared at me in confusion, taking in his surroundings.

  "You fell asleep."

  He rubbed his eyes before fully opening them.

  It had been too dark to get a good look at them before, but his eyes were seriously blue. Almost sickeningly blue - full on Prince Charming, field of cornflower, perfect, cloudless sky blue. Someone should have named a crayon after the guy.

  "Oh." He took a second to process the situation, "Guess I better get going."

  I felt my heart sink, part of me screamed him to stay.

  "Thanks anyways," he got up and headed towards the door, his messed up ponytail swaying left to right behind him.

  Should I call him? Would he judge me?

  He twisted open the doorknob.

  "Vincent do you mind staying?" I squeaked, "Like, can we hang...?" He turned around, smiling over his shoulder.

  "Why not?" My heart skipped a beat.

  Vincent fascinated me, I had so many questions about him. Damnit we also had to talk about last night's incident! I was not sure if I was attracted by him or just curious. It was like having a high school crush all over again.

   But before I could say ir ask anything, "Do you have any bread or, food? I can make breakfast for us."

  Oh so he could cook! Wait, I remembered he mentiomed something about being a chef at the pizzeria before. But cooking was such a feminine thing, while he was so...

  "Scott, anyone home?" He waved a hand in front of me, trying to catch my attention.

  "HUH? Urhh f-food...? Yes....yes! I have some, come!" Whoops I probably should not have said that, I was just unable to talk to him.

  "Are you okay? You seem nervous, calm down." His soothing voice intruded my inner thoughts once again.

  "I'm fine!" This was why watching a hot guy sleep was never a good idea.

There was just something about sleep that made people look......well, good. It rid the human face of all stress, worry, sorrow, anger and so on. That  would just make one look so peaceful, so serene, as if there was nothing bad in this world, no worries and no sorrow. Everything would be fine.

  I led Vincent to my kitchen, "Take a look around, if not we can go to the nearby market."

  After 5 minutes of boxes being shoved a side and the crinkling of plastic bags, "Scott you really are hopeless."


  "Seriously Scott, Hamburger Helper and Campbell Soup? Those two are even more preserved than my precious cup of soda." I remembered that cup. "They are so unhealthy! Time to go shopping."

  So he was a health freak after all. His  model-like body was understandable now.

  All my life I had never been in any aisle other than the preserved food section. The fragrance of freshly baked bread made it's way to my nose. I could already taste the juicy and smoky flavour of smoked salmon as Vincent tossed a packet into the basket.

  Vincent treated the supermarket as his second home. He seemed to know exactly where to find the various groceries and was always greeted by the many staff as he walked down the different columns.

  "You come here very often." I noted.

  "Yep, everyday." He replied, "Fresh food is always the healthiest."

  I ticked the shopping list as we went on. Eggs, bread, smoked salmon......

  "Scott you mind helping me grab some butter?"

^^written In 2017 SO SORRY FR THE 2 YR HIATUS

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