I love you

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Levi's POV

I have been avoiding Erwin for the past two days since he cleaned my cut for me. I just needed some time to... Recover from that, I was so embarrassed, and I just couldn't stop blushing😖. But he did smile at me though, and it didn't seem like a taunting smile, it was warm and... It's almost as if... No, there's no way he likes me.😥
I see Hange approach me.

"Levi, come on, its lunch time"

"I don't really feel that hungry right now..." I murmur.

"You don't realize how hungry you are until you start eating" she responds with a smile.

"*sigh* ok, let's go😒"

"Hmm? What's wrong... Let me guess. Erwin" she asked then smirks at me.


"He's all you think about now😏"

"Shut up!" I say annoyed as we walk to the food court. "I don't know what to do any more, I can't go near him, I can't tell him how I feel and I can't live without him..."

"...tell him" Hange says


"...You don't have to directly say it to him, after all actions speak louder than words" Hange then says breaking the moment of silence in the conversation.

"...Hmmm... Ok..." I respond after some time.

We arrive in the food court. Its bustling with hundreds of soldiers. We join the line to get our food, its soup for lunch. Hange and I spot Erwin and walk over to him.

"Hey Erwin, we don't usually see you out of your office" Hange says as she leans against the wall next to Erwin.

"Oh, yeah😁, I'm going to go back there soon thogh" he replies, then looks at me, "how have you been, Levi?☺"

"...fine" I say with a blank expression.

"...Levi?" Erwin asks, confused. "...actually, Levi, meet me at 7 tonight back here, will you"

"Why" I ask curiously.

"We need to discuss some things privatly"

"Is it about battle plans?"

"Yes, and this is only between you and me. Make sure your there" he says before leaving to wash up his bowl and heading back to his office.

"Hmmm, sounds serious" Hange says "but a little odd aswell. Like if he was going to talk about battle plans or really anything wouldn't he have said to come to his office?"

"Yeah, as strange as it is, I have to go anyway, commander's orders😥..."

"The meeting will be fine, just focus on the battle plans and try not to get distracted by his ass😏😂" says Hange, who soon starts laughing hysterically.

"Your not helping😒" I respond unamused.

"Sorry *clears throat*... Sorry. But yeah, you'll be fine"

"..." I hope so.

... ... ...

Erwin's POV

It's now 6:56, I'm at the entrance of the food court, everyone else is sleeping now. he'll be here soon; and finally I can know what's been going on. I see him walking over.

"I'm here commander." He stares at me with his same blank expression.

"Hello, corporal☺, ok come with me"

I start walking to behind the food court, he hesitates but soon follows me looking confused. We stop once we're behind the building, its nice and grassy here and the moon is so bright tonight.

"Erwin, why are we here?"

"Well, I didn't actually plan to talk about battle plans" we both face and stare at the moon while we speak.


"It's about how you've been acting lately... I'm sure Hange and Mike both know but they're not willing to tell me. Whatever it is, it seems to be really bothering you, things would be easier if you talked about it" I glance at him, he looks troubled.

"...It's nothing..." He responds quietly.

"Levi... It's obviously something "

"... ... ..." He's silent for a while "... I guess there something"

I feel his tremblimg hand slowly grab mine. What's he doing? I look at him, he's frozen and looking dead ahead. His face is blushing bright red. Oh... He, he likes me... It's makes sense now.

"Levi?" I say calmly but happy.

"... ..." Tears start to stream down his face " I'M SORRY!" He yells at me, letting go of my hand and running away.

"No, Levi Wait!" He kept running, there's no way I could catch up to him but I follow anyway. So this is why he's been so distressed lately, and nervous around me; but I... Like him as well...

Levi's POV

I'm so STUPID, what have I done! I just couldn't stop myself anymore I had to tell him somehow, and now he Hates me!

Shit! He's following me. I speed up even more and go around a few corners to get him off my track. I think I lost him. I lean against the building behind me, tears are still flowing down my cheeks. I'm so pathetic! I should have never said anything, we had such a good friendship and now he'll be avoiding me like a was with him...

I sit down, put my head to my knee's, hold myself tight, and then I just cry, because really, what else can I do now.
Erwin's POV

Where did he go?  ... I search near the dorms... ... I think I hear him, I peer around the corner and see Levi bundled up on the ground sobbing in a teary mess. He doesn't notice me as I walk up to him. I sit down as well and pull him close to me. I feel Levi's small body tense up at first, then relax and snuggle closer to me.

"You know, you can be really cute sometimes😊" I say softly into his ear.

He looks up at me, with his tear stained cheeks and tired eyes; he's blushing a bit too. "W-what"

"Levi... I like you too😊" he's so beautiful... I see the sides of his mouth start to curve into a smile.

I hold him a bit tighter and put one hand on back of his head. I stare at him lustfully, he looks back at me so happy and innocently. I move my head closer to his, he blushes more as he realizes what I'm about to do.

I connect our lips, and close my eyes but Levi, still in shock, keeps his open. I nibble his bottom lip making him gasp a bit. Once his mouth was open I begin to explore it amediantly. Soon Levi shuffles more onto my lap and tries to match our heights so he can reach me easier. Unsuccessfully. He's adorable.

I pull away from the kiss, making a small string of spit between our lips.

"U-um, well then... Thank you" he stutters

"For what?" I say as I run my fingers through his hair.

"For not hating me..."

"... Why would I hate you?"

"... ... ... I don't know" he says finally.

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