Chapter 29

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~6 years later~

~Kyouko's POV~

"Kyouko, wake up." I heard Makoto tell me. I groaned and buried my face in a pillow.

I was currently 21 now and I shared an apartment with Makoto. We're used to moving around from place to place that's why we tend to rent apartments rather than buy houses. We still continued to hunt phantoms and we made a fortune out of it. We tend to donate our money to good causes and keep half of it for ourselves. 

I've nearly forgotten everything. It all seems blurry to me now. The hatred I used to have slowly disappeared but there was still slight hatred towards the three girls and Haruhiko inside of me. I began to work out a lot and train with my sister. We got taller and stronger over the past years. 

I would say we made a lot of progress if I do say so myself. 

I got up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. I went to the kitchen and ate my food while Makoto read the papers. "Hey, Kyouko?" She asked. I hummed in reply and looked up at her. "How do you feel visiting those people again? The ones from 6 years ago?" She asked, not looking up from her papers. I choked on my cereal.

"You're fucking joking me right?! Visit them?! You know what happened 6 years ago!" I protested. She puts down her papers and looked at me. "Kyouko. It's been 6 years. You have to let this go. You have to be the bigger person in this situation. If you put this behind you, you can live your life knowing you're the mature one in the situation." She said. 

I slumped down in my chair and grumbled. "I don't wanna be some old mature grandma," I complained childishly. Makoto sighed and got up from her chair. "Kyouko, even if you don't wanna visit them. We're going back there. There have been sightings of large phantoms in town. They've sent several people to the hospital now." She said. I sat back up and looked at her.

Ever since the incident years ago, I've been trying my best to save lives. I never got over the guilt of the ones who had died that day despite Makoto trying to help me. "Alright, we'll go but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be all nice and friendly to those four if I see them again," I claimed and finished my food.

Makoto smiled and nodded. She went to get changed as I began to wash the dishes. When I was done, Makoto was already packing our things. I quickly changed and helped her pack up. We got to her car and I put our luggage in the trunk. Makoto was in the driver's seat waiting for me. I closed the trunk and got in the car. "Let's go," I told her. She nodded and started the car.

It was one of the longest car drives I've ever been in. I kept complaining to Makoto which made her get so annoyed she stopped the car at a gas station and got me food and drinks to shut me up.

It worked at least.

When we got near the town, I stuck my head out the window and watched the town grow closer and closer. The memories began to flood back to me and I shivered. I watched as the building and signs past me. People were walking, eating in restaurants, working, and etc. It was a bright day and everything seemed fine. I smiled slightly and looked around. 

Makoto parked at a hotel and got out the car. "I'm gonna get us a room. Stay in the car." She told me and went inside the hotel. I whistled and looked around. The town was slightly different now. Everything seemed newer. 

Makoto came out a minute later and we drove to the police station. When we arrived, Makoto asked them for reports of the phantoms she's heard about. Once we got the information we needed we headed to a cafe since I kept complaining how hungry I was.

"I swear Kyouko. You're always hungry." Makoto said, walking into the cafe with me following her behind. "I didn't get any proper meals! You only bought me candy bars and sodas." I whined. "Well we're getting you real food now aren't we?" she said and sat down at a booth. I sat across from her and grinned. "Yep yep yep!" I said cheerfully while wagging my tail. She chuckled and nodded. We looked through the menus that they had. 

"Are you done?" Makoto asked. "No! There's so much to choose from!" I said with my eyes sparkling with hunger as I looked through the menu.

"Well alright. I'm gonna get my food first." She said. She raised her hand a bit to call over a waitress or a waiter. 

"Hello there, my name is Reina and I'll be your waitress today. How may I help you?"



I stopped looking through the menu and froze in shock. Makoto must have noticed and looked at me. "You alright sis?" She asked. I put down the menu and looked up at the waitress.

It was her. Reina. Her scent was still the same but stronger this time. She looked much different from before. Her breasts were bigger and her hips were slightly wider. She was taller now and her hair was longer. Her face was more mature and instead of having a clip in her hair, she had a headband. 

We stared at each other in silence until she spoke up. "I-It can't be." Her voice cracked slightly. I got up from my seat and looked at Makoto. "I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me." I said and walked away while looking at the floor. 

I washed face in cold water and groaned. I can't believe it. Reina. Out of all people, I meet in a cafe. It's Reina. 

I heard the door open and close and footsteps drew closer. I turned off the water and looked up in the mirror. Reina stood behind me with her eyes filled with sorrow and guilt. I turned around to look at her and she hugged me tightly. "Kyouko.... It's you...." She sobbed. She cried into my shirt and held onto me for dear life. 

I wanted to push her away but I couldn't. As much as I tried to distract my feelings away from them, they always come back. Yes even though I hated them for a while, I never got over my crushes over them. I still loved them. Even if they didn't love me back.

"Reina," I whispered. I buried my face in her hair, feeling myself relax to her scent. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I've been a mess without you." She cried and held me closer. She constantly kept apologizing. I couldn't take it anymore. 

I held her close to me and hugged her tightly. I felt her stiffen slightly at my actions. "It's fine Reina..."

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