Chapter 8- Ready to Find Out the Truth

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I woke up this morning still laying in the bed facing away from my door, still a little bombed about last night. While laying down, I started remembering somethings about my pass with Lunie like, the first time he told me he loved me, our first kiss, first date, even our first time on our first anniversary in '88, which was amazing. I remember when our love was so untouchable, I had security in my relationship, until I was a senior in college and he got his job promotion which made him basically spend more time at his job, which made it easy to cheat on him with Stoke. I finally realized how selfish I was during my affair, and now my selfishness may lead to me getting a divorce.

As I was still laying down, I heard my door slightly open and heard, "Mommy, are you alright?", I knew that was my boy LJ. I turned away, "Hey momma's big boy. Come here and give me a hug." He came over a gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek asking me, "Ma, can I ask you a personal question?" "Yes. What is it?" I asked me something that would make me tell him the truth, "About the Mr. Williams from Mint Condition, what made you want him, like how did I get here?" I gave him the really look, he laughed, Lord have mercy, my son literally has Stoke's laugh and smile! "I know that you two had to having physical contact but, I mean how did it all start to led to last night?", he said, I replied, "It's a long adult story, 18 and older type." He laughed, "I know, I'm talking about how you two met." I agreed and told him about '92, and of course played over the dirty details, and like the little grown man he is, he took it in like the grown up he is in the head. "The reason I asked because, I went on YouTube and looked at some videos and I was wondering, was any of the songs on their albums about you and him?" I cringed at the fact that I'll have to tell him which ones, I replied, "Well, I know on their second album, the ones he wrote, I inspired him to write them, And, their third album "Gettin' It On" is about my affair. So, I guess I was his "muse". He looked at me with a surprised look saying, "Really? Tight! I like the song "10 Million Strong". It's so jazzy, you know?" I nodded as he started singing the chorus of the song, sound almost like Stoke, Man, this boy is the slitting imagine of HIM! "Hey, I like that song too.", I said looking away with a smirk then back at my son.

The reason I smirked and turned away, because I remember him telling me in '94 about "10 Million Strong". He was based on a night in '92 while we was in Myrtle Beach, South Beach on the beach laying on the sand. It was a romantic night!

Flashback '92

It was before their show the next day, it was 10 at night, we walked on the beach by ourselves, well and his security who looked over us from afar. I remembered the wave crashing, the soft sand under my feet, and breeze from the water grazing on my skin, giving me a satisfying chill. Walking hand and hand talking about basically the tour, the tour was almost over with only 3 more cities left, meaning I was on my way back to Arizona to face reality, me and Lunie's reality. "Yo, look at the stars! Man, ain't nothing like coming outside and look at the star and trying to make something out of them. Me and my sisters use sneak out the house, buy some wine coolers, go to this area that is nothing but a dusty plain field. We would listen to music, talking, and trying to make the "The Big Dipper" or something corny like that. Our parents never knew we did that because we would come home before 4am." We both laughed. "Wow! You know some people think if you look in the sky at night, the stars represents your ancestors. I don't think that but some do." He said as I replied, "I can believe that. I think that the stars represents the amount of nights we've spent with each other." "Really?" I giggled, "Yeah. I've noticed that when we make love at night, it seems like the moon shines brighter and the stars glow more then usual."

I broke away from holding his hand to at looked the waters beautiful waves, he walked up behind me wrapping his arms around my neck with his cheek pressed up against mine. "Stoke, with Lunie, we crash like those waves, but with you, it like we flow like the water up on the sand." He kissed my cheek, "Wow, that's deep. I would never thought of it like that." I kissed his forearm and said something that would hunt me, "Stokley, I love you. Even though I have Lun'elle, I know I've fell out of love with him, but you've shown me the reason why love exist. I can understand if the feeling isn't mutual but..." He turned me around to face him, looked into my eyes and moved my chin up to embed a passionate kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his waist, he replied, "The feel is as equally mutual, I love you more then the 10 million stars over us right now." He said making me lay my head of his chest with a tear running down my face, I felt him plant a kiss on my forehead. At that time, I've never felt that in love since me and Lunie's 4 anniversary when we were in deep love. "Man, you're such a prize.", I said look up at him as he picked me up with my leg wrapped around his waist, "You are too", he said kissing me. Funny, we almost made love on the beach, but sand isn't a comfortable place to roll around in.

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