Chapter 2- Flashback and Confessions

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     After telling them the truth about the reason for my disappearance in 92, they were SHOCKED! Yes, me and Stokely had a long affair, it was practically a whole other relationship. "DAMN!" Mary said setting back in her chair while Leigh gulped her wine. "Look, it wasn't noth..." I sighed. Mary and Leigh both continued their surprise response. "So, let me get this straight; in May of '92, you and Mr. "Pretty Brown Eyes" were messing around while you were with Lun'elle?" Leigh asked while I nodded my head "Yes". "Why did you cheat on him?" Mary said with disappointment. "It's a crazy story, but y'all have to promise me that y'all don't say shit about this once I tell y'all?" They both agreed. "I want to hear this shit!" Leigh said pouring herself some more wine. I started telling them, "May 29, 1992, I was in college get ready for my senior year. Me and Lunie's relationship was getting cold. Being 21 with a 24-year-old who is already starting his career and who barely gave me any attention, frustrated me and I yearned for some attention." "Really?" Mary said. Leigh replied in my defense, "Let her tell it, and shut the fuck up! Tell it, little sis."

May 29, 1992

      Well, let me tell y'all the secret that is held over me

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      Well, let me tell y'all the secret that is held over me. I found out about Mint Condition coming to Phoenix in January of '92 on the radio. Hearing that was nothing but music to my ears! Knowing that one of my favorite groups is coming to my hometown and that I'll get a chance to see and hear my favorite member of the group in person was too exquisite. I worked as a waitress at the local 24 hour diner beside UOPX, which helped me get 3 19th-row tickets for me, Lun'elle, and Cynthia, who was in love with Jeff. After getting those tickets in March, 5weeks before the concert, Lun'elle and Chris (Stephanie's boyfriend) won a front row ticket and backstage passes off the radio. Of course, I was excited! On the day of the concert, I remember getting ready to go to the concert in Lunie's apartment, I had on a sexy blue top, a black fitting mini skirt with my black jacket to match, black pumps, black stockings with gold jewelry and my hair wavy like Janet Jackson's "janet." era. I was looking So Fine! I walked out seeing him with an Aqua blue sweatsuit on and his high top fade looking fresh from the barbers, "How do I look?" He said to me, "Babe, we need to go so we can get a chance to meet Mint Condition." while rushing past me to get his keys. It's been 5 whole months since we've ever spent any time together, and we didn't have sex for about 3 months. At the time, we'd been dating for 5 years and I was still living in my parents' house, and it seemed like he ignored me. He was trying to climb up the ladder in the architectural field, and I was getting ready to graduate that next year.

His walking past me without and compliment made me feel unappreciated. When we left the apartment to go pick up Cynthia, Stephie(Stephanie's nickname), and Chris, we were getting pumped for the show, well, they were. I was a little down about Lun'elle not paying me any mind. When we arrived at the arena, we saw one of the members named Ricky who plays the bass guitar walking from a car with his guitar in his hand. "Shit, there's Ricky!" Chris said making us look with excitement. "That sure is him! Oh girl, it hasn't even been 5 minutes and already we see one of the members of Mint Condition!" Stephie said while we agreed with her. In my case, it wasn't Stokely, so I wasn't caring. When we got out of the car, we walked to the gate, that had a few people in line to go in and meet them. When we were in line waiting for our turn to go backstage, Lun'elle was talking to Chris, and I was getting butterflies in my stomach thinking about meeting my crush from the group. "Next!", the security said to us. Cynthia went in first screaming and hugging Jeff. When I Lun'elle took a step, there he was...That sexy face of his, with a brown scarf tied around his hair like the guys in the 60s wore on their hair to keep it nice. He had on this black long-sleeved button up shirt that wasn't tucked in his denim blue jeans and black shoes, he looked delicious to eat! UHH, I wanted him then and there! "STOKLEY!!! My man!" Lun'elle said while giving him that manly hug."Wassup man!" He replied as his eyes looked upon my face with a slight smirk, making me weak. "And, why are you so quiet?" He asked. I was in shock and forgot everything about myself.

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