♛Chapter Three♛ || First Impressions

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I wasn't really heart broken. Not even close... Okay maybe I was just a little bit sad.

But why should I be? I mean I hardly know the guy...

I should have expected him to have a girlfriend because he is very attractive.

But even so, my heart still crumpled into a ball when I saw his girlfriend run towards him. Imagine his girlfriend running to him in slow motion and he catches her in a big hug and spins her around. Once he puts her down, they share a passionate kiss that seemed to last forever.

Pretty dramatic, right?

Yes, but you can tell that they were in love. And I was, of course, jealous. If you saw their kiss you would be jealous too, trust me.

Both Zach and his girlfriend are sophomores while I was a freshman. I'm not really sure what his girlfriend's name is, but I'm sure I will find out later.

She was absolutely beautiful though. She had a vibe that came off as a beautiful bad ass, like Mulan. She was Asian mixed with Mexican. She had the most perfect tan with an hourglass shaped body.

It was weird though. We look like mirror images except I'm not beautiful like her. That doesn't even make sense though. How can I almost look exactly like her, yet I feel as if I'm not even close to being as beautiful.

Oh the quandary.


The first day of practice was exactly how I pictured it.

I hid in the bathroom for half of the time, and I ran a walking pace for the rest. It was seriously like ninety degrees and I was wearing my mom's small running shoes that were about as old as me.

So I guess you can say that my first practice of cross country was hell. The only good side to it was meeting Zach and the coach.

Coach Sum was probably the greatest coach I have ever met.


Because he looked like Santa Clause with his pure white beard and his big stomach. He always wore this neon hat that you can see from miles away, and whenever you go up to talk to him he would give you a non-awkward side hug. There was something about him that made me love him instantly, he was like one of my grandpas.

There were two other coaches. One was named Katelyn, also known as KG, and then there was Ben. I will probably describe them later since they aren't that important to me right now.

Anyways, back to describing my first day of practice: Fe was right about there being a bunch of guys being shirtless, but none of them didn't really catch my eye.

I was debating on whether or not I should come back to practice since today just sucked, but then decided that I shouldn't give up so easily. Besides, I really needed to be more social and maybe I can meet new friends that would treat me better than the crap friends I have now, which is everyone except Korin and Violet.

I guess I count Fe as my friend now, although I don't really tell her much of my secrets. She did introduce me to some one new though.

Her name was Lauren. She is tall with blonde hair, pale skin, and huge blue eyes. I couldn't really tell if she liked me or hated me, but she was such an awkward turtle. She went to the same middle school as me, but I never took the time to actually talk to her.

The first thing she said on our run was, "What if a hobo came out of those bushes and kidnapped us?" After that, I knew we would be best friends. Even if it took awhile for her to finally talk to me since she was so shy.

Once practice was over, I called my mom and asked her to pick me up and as I was waiting I couldn't help but stare at the people around me.

My eyes fell on Zach who, also, caught me staring at him...

...we held eye contact for the longest second of my life...

...The most awkward second of my life...

Oh my God, Megan, look away! Look away!

I abruptly looked down at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world, which it was by the way. There was a really pretty sunflower that I wanted to pick.

Still scared that Zach was still staring at me like I was a crazy stalker, I reached down to go pick up the flower until someone beat me to it. A boy might I add... Too bad he wasn't cute... at all. He wore these really weird glasses that didn't even fit his face, he was skinny, his eyebrows were close to his eyes so it looked like he was mad.

He gave me a creepy smile and said, "Here you go." He handed me the sunflower that I didn't want anymore.

"Oh...uh... thanks."

"You're welcome." He scratched the back of his neck with awkwardness. "So..." He drawled out.


"You're new here, right? What's your name?"

"Yeah, I'm Megan..."

"Oh that's cool. My name is Sam."

"Okay... My mom is here, so I have to go... bye."

"Oh, alright. See you later!" He waved at me as I gave him a tight smile. I didn't want to be mean, but there was something about that kid that just gave me the creeps... I made it my goal to avoid him at all costs. I'll give him my first name and that's it. No number. No last name. Nothing. Nada.

I lied when I said that my mom was here to pick me up. She probably didn't even leave the house yet, so instead of staying there with Sam I decided to explore the park.

The landscape was beautiful and I don't think I can ever get tired of running here.The grass was lusciously green, the trees were full, the lake was huge and had ducks. I just wanted to paint it.

My appreciation for the landscape was interrupted by a voice, "So..."

I turned around to be met by a short, blonde girl with green eyes and pale skin. She also went to my middle school, and I think her name was Micaela. I need to ask Fe later...

"I heard you had your first encounter with Sam..." She gave me a look of pity, it made me laugh.

"Yeah I did, and he's... nice..." I lied through my teeth.

"Liar... I saw your face when he picked that flower for you. He gave you the creepies, huh?"

I laughed again, "Yeah... He did creep me out, so I made an excuse so I didn't have to talk to him any longer."

"Ah smart girl. Just a word of warning: Do not give him your number," she warned with an easy-going smile with a hint of seriousness in her eyes.

"I wasn't going to, but why not?" I asked, intrigued.

"Because... he gets too attached to girls... trust me, someone gave him my number and now he just texts me non-stop," she whispers as if she's telling a horror story.

"Oh God, that is terrible! What does he say?"

"Eh, stuff like 'you are so beautiful' or 'I'm so glad we're friends', and we aren't even friends," she mimicked his creepy voice.

"Ew," I grimaced with disgust. Gosh, this kid must be a weirdo.

"Yeah, so make sure you stay away. Be nice, but just try your best to ignore him. Trust me on this."

Oh I do. I have a feeling that kid won't leave me alone though. I looked back at the picnic tables where everyone was hanging out after practice to find everyone staring at me... including Zach.

"Sam is staring at you..." Micaela whispered in my ear.

A shiver was sent throughout my body.

I didn't dare to look in the direction of Sam...

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