♛Chapter Four♛ || Lucky or Not Lucky?

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♛Chapter Four♛ || Lucky or Not Lucky?

Everyday passed with the same, old routine.





Avoid Sam.


Ponder about life.


I actually started liking running more and not because I was getting faster, but because I was meeting a lot of new people. Everyone was pretty cool. They were the reason why I started to show up more often to practice and to actually run.

There still weren't cute guys that I met except Zach, but that was way over before it even started. The only guy I actually talked to was this kid named Chase. He was really friendly, but I saw him nothing more than a friend now.

Yes, I did have a huge crush on him because he's blonde and had blue eyes, and he is always optimistic, and may I add that I need someone optimistic. Also, I should add that he is mormon so he is pretty much off limits to any girl that isn't mormon.

Bummer, right?

The only reason why I knew him was because of Micaela and Lauren, but I started avoiding him too. Not because he was creepy like Sam, but because Sam followed him like some kind of parasite! It was weird... So wherever Chase went Sam followed, so that means that I have to also deal with Sam and that is just a huge no no.

Anyways, I've been going to practice for the next two of weeks and now I have a race coming up in two days. And boy was I nervous.

Everytime I thought about it my stomach would drop.

It's a weird feeling to have where your breathing would hitch.

Your body would tingle.

You just can't stop fidgeting.


Having an adrenaline rush isn't all too great until you let it go. Once you let it go you feel exhilarating and unstoppable.

Little did I know that I would experience my first adrenaline rush at my first meet.

First Track Meet, Prado Park:

I am now at some park a few minutes away from my house. It is beautiful and I wish that I didn't have to run here because it just ruins the whole tone of this place for me. It isn't so beautiful when you have to run to your death here.

I took in the scenery around me as I was warming up for my race. The sky was tainted with dark streaks of grey clouds that were starting to form, the air outside was moist and the frosty wind bit at my cheeks making them red.

It felt too cold to be running in this weather.

This should be illegal I thought. Even though that's all I think about when I run.

I just need to get this thing over with, and since it was my first meet- of course I would have some kind of luck on my side. (Sarcasm intended)


I am now at the starting line for the race just freezing my freaking ass off (Not literally since I don't have one). I looked around and took in the people around me only to notice that I am wearing a different uniform from everyone else. Of course I wouldn't buy a new uniform when my sister already had one, and of course it wouldn't cross through my mind that the uniforms would be updated.

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