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Ok so judges you will have August 15th-August 25th to finish. Unless the category fills up before then, then you can start then.

The judges will be tagged in the category they are judging in. So now worries.

Do not start judging unless I post a chapter with your category telling you what to judge.

You will score each book 30 points. You have to read a minimum of 5 chapters. If a book doesn't have that many read as many as it has. If you feel like you need to read more you can.

Judging Criteria: pm me for each book.

Do not. I repeat do not comment on there stories. They could stay something that makes you feel bad so don't say anything. If someone asks why there story didn't make it I'll tell them.

Title And Cover : (3 Points)
Does it make you interested and does the title work with the cover.

Plot: (5 Points)
Does it make since. Can you see the story going somewhere.

Creativity And Originality: (6 points)
Is it new and original. If it's something like a werewolf book or a romance obviously it will be harder to make it different so see if they put something different in there.

Presentation (punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, description, well written, ect.) : (10 points)
This ones obvious but if there in something wrong in every sentence then score them lower.

Does it intrigue you: (6 points)
Does it pull you in and make you want to read more.
What to pm me for each book




Overall what you thought (at least 3 sentences but more would be appreciated):

Out of the five books you read which do you think would win this category (just say the author)Best cover:

Pm me the scores.

I will say this again just in case you skipped over it. YOU HAVE TO READ 5 CHAPTERS. If a book doesn't have that many then it's ok just read the ones they have. Feel free to read more if you need to.

Reach For The Stars Awards [Closed]Where stories live. Discover now