Artist/cover maker

173 24 21

Hey guys. So the awards are starting to rap up. I should have the first round out by this Friday. If you don't want to be a cover maker or an artist you can skip this.

But that's not what this chapter is about. I need an artist/cover maker. I need someone who can draw or make covers for me.

If you do this you will not only work for this account but you will also work for Kktrack which is my other account.

You can draw or make amazing cover. Or you can do both.

Im thinking about starting a new book soon that will have something to do with dragons.

So if you want to sign up either draw a dragon or make a cover with one.

It can look like any dragon. I don't care about positing or color I just want to see what you can do.

Please pm Kktrack i would tell you to pm this account but I have so much going on it's just easier if you do Kktrack

Form: please comment this form if you want to try out.


Have you ever made covers or art:

Do you follow this account and Kktrack

What type of art have you made (if you have):

How fast can you make a cover or a dragon:

Would you be willing for me to show your work:

Will you be willing to work with me for a while:

Did you pm Kktrack

That's all you have to do. Hope you sign up to help out. Please removed to pm Kktrack you won't be accepted until you do.

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