Chapter One

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A tall, slender young man with pale skin and short black hair is sitting at the park, reading a book about the Netherworld. His black eyes scanned page to page, searching for answers.

The young man is wearing a black turtleneck with black pants. He cursed himself for not finding a way to get his body back.

"I hate this weak, useless body!" The young man clenched his teeth.

The soul of Akura-ou was sealed in a group of rocks by the angry gods who finally punished him for killing innocent people. The gods also threw his immortal body into eternal fiery flames yet Akura-ou knows there has to be a way to get his old body back.

Never in a million years did the great Akura-ou even thought about being a human but he would rather become a mortal than have his soul in darkness.

That's all he saw once the gods have imprisoned him. He saw darkness and was left alone with his thoughts of Takara...

One day, though, a young boy named Mori Kirihito approached him. Kirihito's soul was stuck on this earth because he had a regret about a fight he had with his mother before he died from rock climbing. Kirihito begged Akura-ou to take his body and to apologize to his mother for him and Akura-ou simply accepted because he didn't want to be stuck in the darkness any longer.

Now, Akura-ou has finally seen the light and is known as Kirihito. He lives as a normal boy with a mother and father. He has been in this body for six months but he is still trying to find his original body.

He hates how weak his human body was. He has to sleep eight hours a day, drink a lot of water to stay hydrated... If he exercises, he has to take a thirty minutes break. He has to also eat to survive. He feels different emotions that he has never felt before but he still hasn't found anyone to make him feel warm like his past lover did. Ever since Takara perished out of his life, he never felt safe and secure.

Kirihito would do anything to see Takara again but he knew it was only wishful thinking...


A young girl with short light brown hair and big brown eyes is walking home from school. She is wearing a blue plaid skirt with a white blouse top. She is also holding a silver comb that she has received from someone dear to her.

Oh, she would do anything to see Akura-ou again... She never believed that a soul could reincarnate into another body yet her she is as Sasara. She wonders if the great Akura-ou is still alive because his body is immortal. She lives in Tokyo yet she never heard anything about him...

"I wonder," she whispered to herself while pressing the comb against her lips.


Kirihito went to go home but he felt warmth out of nowhere from inside his body. He put his hand over his heart, confused on why he is feeling this comfort. He then sees a girl in a uniform walking past him with the same silver comb he has given Takara long ago...

"Where did you get that?!" Kirihito spat before grabbing the girl's wrist tightly.

"You're hurting me! This was a present from someone special to me!" Sasara snapped.

Kirihito felt his body growing even warmer and he studied the girl. He then gasped a little when he recognized the only person he truly cared for.

"Princess?" He called out in a whisper.

Sasara's eyes widened before she gulped. "Akura-ou?"

Kirihito immediately hugged her tight. "So warm..."

"Akura-ou... How is this possible?"

"The gods got rid of my body yet I'm going to find it... In the meantime, I'm stuck as a mortal," he sighed.

"So, what is your name?"


"I'm Sasara," she whispered.

"I like Takara better," he smirked.

"And I like Akura-ou better," she countered.

They both began to laugh but Kirihito hugged her again, afraid she is going to run out of his life yet again.

"I'm sorry... I could have saved..."

Sasara interrupted him. "No, do not apologize. It is not your fault that I died... Do not blame yourself."

Kirihito couldn't listen to her, though. Hundreds and hundreds of years have passed and he is still guilty of her death. He didn't think anyone would go to his mansion so freely yet they did and killed his love.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" Sasara lightly nudged him.

Kirihito snorted. "No, but you better not have a boyfriend!"

"I don't." She giggled.

Kirihito reached out and played with her short hair. He loved her long black hair better. He used to comb it and play with it all the time. Her body she has now is attractive but he loved her old body better...

"I can't believe you are here in front of me, though... I missed you so much," Sasara said in a low voice but she felt herself blushing.

"I missed you too," he said gently.

They both exchanged smiles while the wind is blowing around them. Kirihito refuses to let go of her warmth. He needs it to survive no matter what.  

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