Chapter Two

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Kirihito is taking Sasara to his home but as soon as they step foot into the home; Kirihito's mother greeted them with open arms.

"Kirihito! It's so nice to see you and you brought a little friend with you! I haven't seen you with a friend in a very long time! What is your name, honey?" Kirihito's mother gushed.

Sasara stared at the beautiful woman before her. Mrs. Mori has light brown hair that is in a bun and her eyes are lavender. She is also wearing a purple kimono.

"I'm Sasara, it's very nice to meet you."

The mother and Sasara exchanged smiles. Sasara is actually happy to see a home that is more like a shrine than an actual regular house. This shrine reminds her of her past with Akura-ou.

"Excuse us," Kirihito said bluntly before grabbing Sasara by the wrist and dragging her to his bedroom.

Ever since Akura-ou became Kirihito, he stays in his room countless of nights without coming out. He is trying to find a way to make a portal into the Netherworld. His mother would always bring him food to his room but Kirihito usually takes the food before she could even come in the room.

Mrs. Mori thinks he's into his studies but in reality; he is trying his hardest to get his old body back.

"It must be nice to have a loving, caring mother, Kirihito... You didn't have parents in your past life," Sasara commented.

Kirihito snorted and Sasara sat on his futon. She has a bed in her home yet she is actually happy to be on a futon... This place really reminds her of her past.

"You both can come out. She is to be trusted," Kirihito ordered coldly.

"What?" Sasara blinked in confusion but she gasped out loud when she saw two men appear before her. She wonders who they are...

The men both have white cat masks on with yellow eyes and red markings all over their masks. The one man has green hair and pointed ears while the other has long black hair.

"These are my Shikigami. This is Monjiro," Kirihito pointed at the Shikigami with green hair.

"And I'm Kikuichi!" The second Shikigami interrupted.

"Nice to meet you!" Monjiro raised his voice.

"Nice to meet you too," Sasara said softly.

"Anyways, you both may go now. I need some alone time with her," Kirihito commanded.

"Why?" Monjiro asked.

Kirihito grunted while Sasara blushed. She knew what her lover wants to do.

"Oh, I get it! Okay, we'll leave!" Kikuichi shouted.

Kirihito rolled his eyes as his two Shikigami finally disappeared so he can easily have Sasara all to himself until...

"Honey, I made dinner for you and your little girlfriend!" Mrs. Mori announced from outside the bedroom door.

"Can't I get any privacy around here," Kirihito muttered before sliding the wooden door open. He glared at his mother while she gave him a warming smile.

Mrs. Mori then handed him a tray full of grilled chicken with rice and vegetables with two small dishes of peaches with whipped cream.

"Thanks," he whispered.

"You're welcome!" His mother grinned before leaving him.

He shut the door and set the food on the ground. Sasara's mouth watered and Kirihito narrowed his eyes at her. He is claiming her before she is eating!

"That looks good," Sasara said while hovering over the food.

Kirihito wrapped his arms around her from behind and whispered in her ear. "It will all be there when we are done."

"But it will get cold," she frowned.

Kirihito sighed. "Hurry up and eat then."

Sasara sat down and began to eat while Kirihito sat next to her, studying her.

"Aren't you going to eat too?" Sasara asked.

"No," he answered simply.

"I'LL EAT IT THEN!" Monjiro popped out of nowhere and began to dig in.

"I WANT SOME TOO!" Kikuichi whined.

"I thought I told you both to leave us alone." Kirihito glared at them.

"But we are hungry!" Monjiro raised his voice with his mouthful of food.

Kirihito clicked his tongue while Sasara giggled. She is actually happy to meet his Shikigami.


Kirihito and Sasara are lying on his futon. They are finally having some alone time together but Sasara passed out and is resting her head on his chest. Kirihito couldn't help but get annoyed because he wanted to have sex with her. He hasn't had sex since he last saw her, which was a very, very long time ago.

He refuses to complain, though. He's just happy to have her back in his arms.

"You're cold," she commented in her sleep.

"Me?" He whispered.


"Warm me up then," he said seductively.

She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly before she fell back into a deep sleep. Kirihito ran his fingers through her short brown hair and gently smiled down at her. He can already fill the warmth from her body heat.  

Cold - Kirihito X OCWhere stories live. Discover now