Back to Prison ( aka: School )

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Chapter 1

6: 30am

Blaire POV

That's the sound of my stupid alarm clock! Like what kind of person wants to wake up to that???? Since I Broke my beautiful alarm clock I had to use that thing! So basically all morning I've been singing want you back from victorious!

"Blaire you better get your ass down RIGHT NOW!!! You have five minutes to get your big butt down here!" My mom yelled.

My mom didn't have her coffee yet, which is why she's acting like a butt! But trust me she's a nice person, but if she doesn't have her coffee she gets tired and cranky and it's not a pleasant sight!

" COMING!" I yelled
I grab my bag with all the stuff I need for school, then I rush Down stairs and I grab an apple and head out.

I grab my stuff from my locker and head to math class " Yay fun!" Note the sarcasm
But before I even walk in the hallway I hear this of course!

"Blaire Hart you are needed in the office! Thank you"
Why when they end what they say on the intercom they always add "Thank you!"
Like are you serious?

As I casually make my way to the office I see a boy with brown hair and green eyes.

"Hey!" The boy says

Don't know why I'm here? But ok?

" Mrs. Hart this is our new student Kyle!" The vice principal says with enthusiasm

" Ok and why am I here again?" I say casually

"Well since you know your way around pretty well, You will be showing Kyle around all day!"

What! Are you serious? Yea I know my way around but couldn't she just pick someone else instead of me? I don't wanna be bugged all day by that guy!

"Ok then what's his schedule?" I say as I sigh

"The same as yours!" She says with more enthusiasm

"Ok come on!" I say as I lazily walk down the hall with Kyle

He smirks. "So I guess we share the same classes huh?" He says

"Well that's what she said isn't it?" I say

Yeah I know I'm a smart alex

*** Skip to lunch***

As we both walk in the cafeteria which surprisingly has good food everyone just stares at us.

"Go back to your own life's people there's nothing to stare at!" I say

People just took glaces as we grabbed our food, I went to my table and Kyle went to some table I don't know?

"Hey B!" My friends say

"Hey guys! You won't believe what I have to deal with all day!" I cry in agony

"What?" They all say unison
I don't know how they do it?

" I have to deal with this Kyle dude" I say

"Yeah everyone has been talking about him, they say he's a badboy or something like that? I don't know but all the girls are crushing on him!" Ryder says

Oh I haven't introduced my friends yet! Here's my friends




And the only girl I hang with is..... Abby

*** Skip to after school***

"Hey wait up!" I hear a voice call from behind

I turn around and see Mr. Bad boy

"Hey?" I say

"Can you give me a ride? my dad had to Barrow my car for the day so I can't drive home."

Hmm this is a toughy I only give my friends a ride but.... I guess I could make arrangements.

"Sure where ya live?"

Hopefully he's not the new neighbor!

"Ridgewood drive" he says with no hesitation

CRAP! He is ok, just play it cool

" So your my neighbor!"

The car drive was awkward silence so I turned on some music and it's my fav song from my fav band Panic! At the Disco!

This is Gospel!

" Wait you like that band? And btw your an awesome singer!"

Crap I sung out loud!

" Thanks and of course I love P!ATD"

So after that we went home and he went to his and I went to mine.
This day was ok I guess? Now it's time to Binge watch Supernatural again!


So hey guys! I recently came up with this book! I hope you liked it I worked very hard on this! If you liked it vote and comment what ever you want and also I will start dedicating chapters if you want! Like always PEACE and BYEEEE!

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