Are guys dating???

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Chapter 20
Kyle's  POV

I wake up and try to get up but I feel a slightly heavy thing on my chest.

I look down and realize Blaire must've stayed the night which I almost forgot about.

I slowly move her head off of me and I head to my closet to get sweat pants, boxers , and a shirt and head to the bathroom to take a shower.


After I got out and got dress I walk out of my bathroom and see Blaire playing with my old action figures on my bed. Which is the most cutest thing I have ever seen might I add.

" So I've seen you have been snooping around in my closet have you?" I say with a laugh.

" Uh oh he caught us we better run!!!" Blaire shouts while running out of my room with a Batman toy.

" I'm gonna catch you!" I shout which only makes her yelp and run faster.

I run around the corner of the hall way and I see her run into my music room.

I open the door and see her hiding behind a plant which you can obviously see her.

" Well I guess she's not in here!" I say and turn back to go out the door but then Blaire jumps on my back and tanks on my shirt.

" Alright to the kitchen!!!! Me and Batman need a breakfast break!" She says in low voice which makes me laugh out loud.

I have to tell you Blaire is the most funniest and most adorable girl I have ever met! She is fierce, sweet at times but then a big butthole at times which makes me like her even more!

She's sarcastic and does these weird things (in a good way) that make you wanna drop to the floor and laugh!

She ain't one of those girls that throw themselves at guys but rather could careless if a guy ever asked her out. She doesn't wear clothes that are to revealing and she doesn't do anything to put her self out there it just happens.

" Ok what do we have here in chef Kyle's kitchen? A big ol juicy cheese burger? A big box of chicken nuggets? A big box of twinkies? Well we must find out!" She says in a chief host impression.

" Actually we have all of those!" I say a matter infactly.

We start making chicken nuggets and I just notice the way her eyes sparkles when sh- I was cut off by Blaire waving her hand in my face.

" HELLLLOOOOO! Is Kyle in there? If he is tell him to come out and help me make these chicken nuggets!" Which makes her smile.

And then I start to smile as well.

We make the chicken nuggets and talk about random things such as " Do you know the muffin man?" Or " Can you talk like stitch from lilo and stitch?" And then we lay on the couch and watch Sid the science kid because Blaire apparently wanted to watch It.

The position we are in Is like this....

Blaire has her head on my legs and her feet dangling off the Side of the couch and I'm just laying on the couch with my legs touching the end of the couch.

" Hey Kyle I have a question?" Blaire says out of no where.

" Yeah?" I say slightly confused.

" Why did you have to move? I mean you don't have to tell me if you don't want t-" I cut he off.

" Actually yeah I'll tell you!" I say.

" Ok so I use to live in North Dakota and well things weren't going the right way."

Chasing the Tomboy  -(Under Serious Editing!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now