Videos? ( I changed it )

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Previously from Chapter 16......

Chapter 17
Blaires POV
12:46 pm

So for this pass month my friends have been bugging me to make cover videos and post them on YouTube.

I mean I know your probably that it's a good idea and all but it's a lot of responsibility if you think about it.

I mean first off you have to make a day where you post videos but what if your busy the whole week and you can't post a video? And since I'd be new to this I'd have learn to edit and everything and I might have to get an expensive camera.

And that would throw me off because I have football practice and games. I don't know I'm probably stressing about nothing and apparently if I don't my friends won't talk to me. *rolls eyes*

And they said I can only talk to them if I made my mind that I'm gonna post videos which is obviously stupid!

So I decided that I'm gonna make videos but also keep my private life where I don't sing but fight,play football, skateboard, and do plenty of other things that shouldn't concern anybody at all!

So I take my phone and start recording...

"Hey guys! My name is Blaire and this is my YouTube channel! Im gonna be singing How would you feel by Ed Sheeran because I don't know what else to sing, so comment down below some songs you want me to sing!"

" You are the one boy, and you know that it's true.Feeling younger,Everytime that I'm alone with you! We were sitting in a parked car,stealing kisses in the front yard.We got questions we should not ask but,How Would You Feel? If I told you I love you? It's just something I want to do. I'll be taking my time. Spending my life, falling deeper in love with you, so tell me that you love me to? So tell,mee that you love me to????" I sung

I start to edit and I post it.....

I call my friends and tell them and they watch and start cheering their heads off of course!


I walk in school and I see all eyes on me....

I start to panic and take my phone out and see all the views.

1 million views????? Everyone saw my video? How????? So that's why they are staring at me!

Abby starts running up to me.

" OMG! Blaire,Everyone say your video and they are all talking about it!" She squeals.

" Is it bad? Do they hate it? They do don't they?"

" of course not they all LOVE your voice, in fact some of the preps even said they liked it!"

" What really?" I say in shock

" yeah! Now let's head to class, Kyle said he wanted to show you something later at lunch!" She said quickly pulling me toward the doors of hell or prison.

*skip to lunch****

So I grab a bag of chips and find Kyle near the lunch doors.

"So you wanted to show me something?" I say

" yeah follow me" motions his hands to his direction.

I follow him and we make our way to the PAC and I start to question him but he grabs his guitar.

" I've already seen some of your talents but you haven't really seen mine" he says.

" ok are you gonna show me your talent?"

He starts to play his guitar in a beautiful melody and he starts to sing.

^^^play song at the top as reading^^^

He started sing photograph by Ed Sheeran. His voice was soft and sweet and his voice was beautiful but I knew what he was trying to do.

He's been doing this ever since he got here. I know he has a crush on me but I don't want to date him for many reasons that is.

But I could help but smile.

After he sang he began to say something but I realized behind me was basically the whole school.

They cheered and clapped and Kyle just smiled but then his smile faded, Before my brother died he told me he wanted to meet my first boyfriend, but he can't because he's not here!

I quickly run off before Kyle could say anything else to me.

I hear calls for my name but I ignore it. I quickly run into the bathroom and all the memories flood back.

I lay in a ball thinking and then I decide its time to go home.

As I lay in my bed I get a bunch of text messages but ignore them. I lay down and before I know it I fall into a deep sleep.

And as I do I began to worry about what tomarrow has to come to?

Chasing the Tomboy  -(Under Serious Editing!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now