Pinky promise

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Blaires POV
Chapter 25

Ok so uh it's been about 2 weeks since prom and me and Kyle started hanging out more.

Today wasn't any ordinary day because when I got to school Kyle was by my locker with a small felt box.

"What is this a proposal Mr Tomson?" I say jokingly.

His becomes face is serious.

" Actually this is a promise ring.." he starts off.

"But wait isn't that for couples or what ever the hay it is?" I say.

"Well that's what I wanted to ask you.." he replies

Woah wait is he asking me to be his girlfriend? Wait didn't he make out with veronica last week...Wait is this a dream??? SOMEBODY HELP!

" Ok wait I'm flattered and everything but...why me?" I say confused.

"Uh well because I've liked you for a long time and I just thought-"

" ohhh I was kidding yes I will marry you!" I say as i leap up and give him a hug.

Then everyone in the Hall way says wait What?

Beep beeeep beeeeeep beeeeeeep

Ugh way to ruin the moment stupid alarm clock! Man that was a dream? Oh how could I forget....fricken school.

So uh after prom me and Kyle has became buddy's like donkey and shrek buddies, like so close I could put his name tag on my big toe!

And then yesterday he gave me a promise ring.

This is how he explained it, ok so this promise ring is for if we become more than friends then we have to promise to never cheat,lie,and always be there for each other we can't take these rings off ever even in the shower... anyways we can never break our promises or else this promise ring is useless if we do, this promise ring is for our special bonding that no one will understand, sure we fight and stuff but hey we will make this work.

And if we do happen to date somebody then we have to be supportive of each other.

Now I know what your thinking how is this gonna work, well I don't know exactly but we will make it work.

And something special about our promise rings is that it has our initials on it mine has a B on it and his has a K.

I know it's weird since we aren't even a couple but I mean we could be one day I guess?

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