20: fight

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Arabella Pov:
"Ara I won't kill him I'll only put him into a long coma" Jass sighs and I gave him a look. Today is his and Jake's dumbass fight. It's been a month since I've been home. My stomach is bigger and I'm really hungry.

"Fine hurry up" I roll my eyes and he nods. Jake came out in human form. He saw my stomach and came over. Jass kicked him into a tree. "No deaths whoever has the first one pinned down for more then three seconds wins." I say and they nod. Edward came out of the woods and watched. They went at it and I felt him kick. I smile and rub my belly. He kicked harder and I bit my lip. That's when my water broke.

"The baby" Carlisle said and picks me up. Jass growls and held Jake down by the throat.

"I win dog now if you excuse me my wife is have our child" He sneers and came with us. Carlisle sat me on the table and I cry out.

"Ara you need to push now" Carlisle says and I do. I cry out and Jass held my hand. After three hours of torture they had to do a c section. I felt everything. Jass looks at me and I felt light headed.

"No no no don't fall asleep baby stay awake" Jass says frantically.

"I love you both" I whisper and it went black.

A month later-
I woke up and groan. I open my eyes and look around. I was in a bed in Carlisle office. I saw Bella sitting next to me looking sad. I sat up and she jumps.

"Where is Jass?" I asked and she stares at me. I wave my hand in her face. Nothing. I punch her and she fell off her chair. I giggle and Carlisle ran in.

"Your alive" He whispers and I nod.

"Where is Jasper?" I asked again. He tenses and says nothing. I grab his throat and slam him into the wall.

"Voltori. He wants to dead also" He groans and i froze. I took a shower and got ready. The rest stare at me and I saw my baby. It's a girl. She's in Jake's arms. "Her name is Blake because Jasper knew that's what you wanted to name your kid." He smiles and I took her. She grins and held my hand. She grew.

"She is a hybrid like you" Alice smiles and I nod.

"Pack we are going to Italy" I order and they nod. I fed her and got her ready. After about a day we got there and we went to their castle. We storm into their thrown room and they all stare at me. "Where is my idiot husband?" I asked and was quite. I hand Blake to rose and Jasper shows himself.

"Your alive" He whispers and ran to me. I was tackled and he pins me. He pokes my cheek and I roll my eyes. We got up and I punch him. He groans and Blake giggles. I smile and did it again. She starts to laugh.

"Huh she enjoys you being best up" I say and his eyes widen. "Why are you an idiot?" I asked and he said nothing. I gave him a look. "Even if I was dead she needs her dad in her life Jasper. Having these guys killing you solves nothing. Now let's go home so you can make me food." I say and he held me.

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