Suprise Part 3

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It's been a month since the last find you FaceTime Hayes.
You have been so busy studying that you just didn't get the time to talk to Hayes.

( you are in English class  going over all the poems that you have to study for your English exam which is in 2week)

( but you get an unexpected guest come to the class room)
(Y/f 1: your friend 1)(Y/f2: your friend 2)

Y/f1: this class is so boring, I'm not looking forward to the English exam ok these poems that we have to study.

You just smile at your friend

Y/n: well we have 2 weeks until this exam so we have plenty of time

Y/f2: have you studied much y/n?

Y/n: hardly I just can't seem to get my head into these books I'm usually so focused but I'm not.

Teacher: ms y/L (your last name)  would you like to share your conversation with the class?

Y/n: no sir, sorry sir

Teacher: then stop talking trying to teach.

(You look down in embarrassment)

Then you hear a light knock on the door. Everyone looks to see who walks in.

Teacher: yes?

(You look up to see who and walked into the class room and you see that   boy that you have been thinking about everyday.)

Y/n: Hayes?

he looked your way and just smiles at you

You didn't even know that he was coming.

You get up from your seat and you run into Hayes arms.
You finally get you hug him

(Everyone claps)

Y/n: what are you doing here Hayes?

Hayes: I came to see you of course

Y/n: oh my god your here, your actually really here.

(Hayes laughs)

Y/n: I have missed you so much Hayes

Hayes: I have missed you so much as well y/n. 

Hayes then kisses you in front of the whole class, But you couldn't care less
Because you are finally with the boy that you missed and love so much.

Hey guys
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I hope you liked it please vote and comment.

Do you guys have any hayes imagines that you would like me to in the next one. If you do comment or message me    If you want its up to you.
But I really hope you liked it
Thank you all soo much for reading voting it means so much.
Thank you guys so much ❤️❤️

That's all for tonight
I will see you guys soon
Bye 😘

𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now