Chapter Three

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Chapter Three
|Ex's and Oh's|

• Cecily kingson •

I slam the door to Coles blue chevy truck door close. I angrily walk towards the gate of hell's shiny burnt doors. Aka the schools entrance.

"CeCe, what's your prob?" Cole asks concerned. "Ugh, use proper grammar." I snap and storm off, inside hell. Erm​, I meant the school.

I push the doors open and go inside. I didn't mean to be so mean to Cole. He's my best - friend, my partner in crime, but I couldn't tell him Aiden cheated.

Had I told him Aiden cheated he would have acted irrationaly. He might have beaten the shit out of Aiden, had he known.

And I don't want him beating the Shituoka​ out of him. Because I'm gonna beat the shit out of him. Mentally and physically. I smirk at the thought.

After some deep thinking in the shower this morning, I decided I wasn't gonna give Aiden a second chance. He fucking slept with another woman.

And with bitch-toria slut-ston. Of all girls he had to cheat on me with, he had to pick her. And I have no tolerance for cheaters, I don't wanna end up like, them, after all.


I rush to the school bathroom, once I'm inside I close the door. I get in a toliet stall and let the tears rush down.

He cheated.
He cheated, probably with out a second thought. Did our love mean nothing to him?

I leave the bathroom, and head to my first class, Homeroom with ms. Wils-on.


I walk in the class room and see Aiden wave at me. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. I walk up to him and kiss him. I wanna barf threw the kiss.

I would have barfed threw the kiss, but I need to play the happy girlfriend act. I'm gonna hurt Aiden phisically and mentally. Before I hurt him physically, I'll hurt him mentally.

To hurt him mentally, I'm gonna... Well I actually haven't gotten that far in the plan yet, so I'm gonna stay his 'happy' girlfriend, until I figure out how to hurt him.

The teacher walks in and we take our seats, but Aiden kisses - barf - my cheek before he sits down.

The teacher - mrs. Wilson, - begins class. Blah blah blah, this this this, it's homeroom so she is just going over stuff that's probably important that I should listen to, but I don't.

I'm in the top of my class anyway. I mostly zone out the class, by taking a quick cat nap. Why's it called a cat nap anyway? I'm woken out of my daze by Cole kicking my legs.

He's in the desk next to me incase you we're wondering. The bell starts ringing. I quickly get up and grab my bag. I go to leave the class but mrs. Wilson, stops me.

"Cecily, some time this week, we're getting a new kid. If it's not any trouble, could you show him around?" Mrs. Wilson asks.

I internally groan. No! I wanna say. "Of course!" I say gleefully. Stupid mouth, why do you have to be a goody goody.

I Ieave the class room. Great, now I have to help out some new student. Not only do new students suck, because you have to show them around and make sure they don't get lost.

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