Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight
Flat Tires 

Cecily Kingson

"D-Do you want a ride home?" Conner asks me, I stand there speechless, I never let anybody come to my house, I mean sure Cole comes over, but that's becuase he's my best friend, and when he comes over I make sure he won't see my mom, yes Aidan gave me rides, but that's becuase he's my boyfriend, - Well ex. Boyfriend - and I rarely let him in the house. if I let him him over he might see my mom, and I have no idea if she'll be drunk or not, I know, not knowing if my mom is drunk or not in the middle of the afternoon, sad isn't it? 

I slowly exhale​, "I can walk." I tell him. which is true, I'm an independent women, growing up with a mother like mine, you learn how to provide for your self, that includes how to get home by your self, it's just how it is, besides I have to get Olivia. "You sure?" Conner asks me, as we walk in to the school parking lot. "Yeah, I'm sure." I say to him, and start walking home. 

Suddenly I start to feel light drops on my head. Great, just great, it's starting to rain. the rain starts getting harder, so I pick up my pace, it's still like four miles until I reach Livvys school, and it's uncomfortable to run becuase im soaking wet. suddenly a red mersedex pulls up beside me, the person inside rolls the windows down, to reveal Conner. "Sure you don't want that ride?" Conner asks me. 

I sigh in relief, "I changed my mind." I say to him, and he smirks. God did that smirk do his face justice. "Hop in." Conner says, "Thanks" I say and smile slightly. I climb in the passenger seat of his car. It looked like a simple car. It has black leather seats, back seat and front seats, the council in between the front seats could be moved up and transformed into a extra seat, there was an sticker on the back seat window, - a butterfly - and the car looked clean.

"Where do you live?" Conner asks me, "809, South Baker street, can you stop somewhere first though?" I ask Conner, "Sure, where we going?" Conner asks me, "Some where," I say and smirk. "Turn left on genesis street, and go straight until we hit the storage unit, then go right on to  Baltimore street" I instructed him.

"Okay," Conner says, he starts strumming his fingers against the steering wheel, "So..." Conner says trailing off, "Soo..." I say copying Conner. "What's your favourite colour?" Conner ask me, I grin to my self, no one's asked me that kind of question since what? Second grade?

"Black," I answer his question, "Why black?" He asks me, "I've always loved black, what about you?" I ask Conner, "Grey." He answers me, "Why grey?" I ask him, he blushes "It's a cool color," he answers me, I obviously don't believe that, but I let it go.

"Stop here." I say to Conner, and he pulls up next to Livvys, school. I get out and run through the pouring rain and into the school. I see Livvy waiting by the door, "Your late," She says cockily, "Let's see you run through that rain." I say and she wrinkles her nose in disgust.

I take off my jacket wrap it around her, and we run through the rain and in to Conners car. I buckle her up, and then get in the front seat. "Livvy this is my friend Conner." I tell her so she feel more comfortable. "Hi Conner, I'm Livvy, CeCe's absolute favourite and most bestest sister ever!" Livvy says, and Conner laughes.

'Bestest' little kid talk is adorable. "Your also my only sister." I remind her, and laugh. "Whatever." She says and rolls her eyes. Conner pulls up an isolated back road, and then suddenly his driving starts to slow. "Don't tell me your outta gas?" I say half jokeing.

"Shit! I'm not!" Conner says as the car comes to a complete stop. Conner jumps out of the car, I get out too and walk to where he is, to see he's looking at the wheels. "Don't swear'- I start to say but he cuts me off, "It's a flat tire." Conner says sighing.

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