Chapter Four

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Chapter Four
Liar liar pants on fire!

Cecily kingson •

I was in Coles blue truck, with him driving, and me with my feet up on the dashboard. “What the hell was that?” He ask me, as he pulls up in front of Olivia's school.

I ignore him and unbuckle myself so I can get Olivia from her school. I get out of the truck, and walk inside the school, and down the hall. Olivia was waiting there for me, by her locker.

The school was mostly empty, just teachers and the janitorial staff. Olivia glared at me, “Where, were you? You are late!" She Huff's out at me.” I know, sweetie, I'm so sorry, I just got uh- held up.” I say to her. She eyes my reddish blue throat. After Aiden grabbed my throat, it turned red and he probably bruised it.

“How about you, Cole, and I, go get ice cream?” I ask her, trying to distract her from my throat. If she were to ask me about my throat, I'd have to lie to her, I'm not gonna tell my eight year old sister I was chocked by me ex-boyfriend, and I hate lieing to her.

“Okay?” I ask her.
“Okay.” She says back.

We walk back to Coles truck. I get her in the backseat and buckle her up, I get in my own seat in the front. “Were getting ice cream.” I say to Cole. He nods, and drives us there. The whole car ride he had this pained expression.

Probably because I'm not talking to him. But can you blame me? I feel so stupid, not only did my boyfriend cheat on me, but I hurt him by kissing my best friend. I feel like a complete fool, especially since Aiden hurt me and I didn't even fight back.

He would have killed me if Cole didn't stop him… but Aidan would have stopped before that point right? Welp, the world may never know.

Cole pulls up to the ice cream store, and we get out of the car. We walk inside the store, and order our ice cream. “Three, cones please, chocolate, cherry, and cookie dough.” Cole orders for all of us. This is why he's my bestie. Even though he's mad at me, he'll still be here for me, and help, with my really messed up life.

Cole hands me, my cookie dough ice cream and Olivia, her chocolate ice cream. We exit the ice cream shop, and walk. We walk for what seems like forever, until we reach a secluded bridge.

Cole grabs my arm soothingly, “Talk to me CeCe,” he says using my nick name. I sigh, and look at Olivia, who is ahead of us, and look over the bridge at the ducks. “I screwed everything up, Coco.” I say using his nickname. There's no way Olivia could hear us, but I make sure not to swear just in case.

“What happened?” He asks me. “Don't you get it! He cheated!” I say a little louder this time, while on the verge of tears. He looks at me sadly. “When did you find out?” he asks me. “When I went to get the pizzas, I really went to his house, and found him sucking her fake boobs off.” I say to him letting a tear fall.

“Jesus Christ CeCe!” Cole says while wrapping me in a hug. “I shouldn't have let you find out that way.” He quietly muttered under his breath. I pull out of the hug. “What did you say!?!” I ask Cole.

“N-nothing!” He says, while stuttering, which means he lied. “You asshole! You knew? Didn't you?!” I yell at him. “CeCe I'm sorry”- I cut him off, “No, don't CeCe me!” I yell at him, no longer caring if I draw unwanted attention from strangers.

“You fucking knew! You fucking knew he cheated!” I yell at him. He looks at me pained, no he doesn't get to be pained only I do. I'm the one who actually got hurt! “Cecily I'm sorry.” He says, again. “This whole time I didn't want you to find out, he cheated because I thought you would act irrationally, but you already knew!” I yell with tears streaming down my face.

“C'mon, Olivia were leaving!” I say hoarsely, “Okay.” She says oblivious to the fact me and Cole were just yelling to each other. We walk silently all the way to Cole's truck. I grab my phone and purse from inside the truck and then slam the door shut.

I take Olivia's hand and start walking with her to our house. Cole drives his truck on the road, next to us. “Cecily please, just get in the car.” He begs me through the car window, “Screw off, Cole!” I say to him.

“It's gonna rain!” he says. And as if on cue, it starts pouring. “Olivia will get sick!” He says, trying to get me to get in the car. I take my jacket off and put it on her. “there, now she can't get sick!” I say and flick him off, and continue our walk home.


It had taken us an half an hour to get home that night. Worst of all we got home after our mother did.

I had to pry my mother off the couch, and get her in the shower. I hate this life, I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but sometimes I wanna die. I'm sick and tired, of always having to clean up after my drunken mother.

Ever since my father… she's been a drunk. She drinks and gambles away all her money to the point I had to get two part time jobs, just to pay for the house.

The only people who know about my issues at home is Cole and Aiden. Aiden knew briefly about it, but Cole, knew about most of it, just not about me having jobs to pay for the house, Cole thinks I'm saving it for college, something I seriously doubt I'll be able to do considering no one will be here to take care of Olivia, or my mother.

We don't have any relatives, my father's side of the family died when he… I sigh, my mom cut all ties with her family when she married my dad, the only family relative I have is my uncle asher, but I haven't seen him in years.

I tuck Olivia in bed, and kiss her forehead, it seems when I put her to bed, is when I get the most thinking in. “Good night, little mouse,” I say to her, “good night, big mouse.” She says before closing her eyes.

I leave her room, and head to my mothers. She was sitting on the bed sobering up by drinking the coffee I gave her. I take her coffee cup and make her lay down on the bed. “Go to sleep mommy.” I say, “mhhm hmm,” my mom says, as I tuck her in.

I leave her room. No matter how much you hate your mom, - which I do - You'll always have this need to get her affection and love, - which I'll never get - it's just a child's instinct to have a mother, to want a mother, no matter how much you hate them, you want a mother. When you're sick you want your mother don't you? It makes me sick and I wish I could take that childlike instinct out.

I go to my room, leaving the door open just a crack in case Olivia gets scared and needs someone to sleep with.

I get in my bed after I change in pajamas, and cry. I cry about my fucked up mother, about my stupid father, about having to raise my sister by me self, about my cheating ex- boyfriend, and about Cole, and his stupid lying ass.

And then I cry even more, because I really wanna fake a sick day, and skip school tomorrow but I can't because I promised Mrs. Wilson I would show around the new kid.



nd of chapter!

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