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The people of Liverpool awoke to be met with the sky crystal blue, and the weather not to hot or cold, but warm with a slight breeze. The perfect way to start the day. It was a quiet morning with little cars or people about, most sleeping in as the beginning of summer holidays approached. On the way to work Stuart patted his pockets around in search for his identification badge, but his attempts were fruitless as he was left finding nothing but his keys, gum and a slip of paper. He knew it would possibly be a busy day, of organising people and workers, as it was Saturday and kids and their families would be attending tonight's big show. He sighed but nevertheless, felt as if nothing could spoil his mood.


Smack! John woke up to the feeling of pain as his body collided with the floor in the office of his close friend - Stuart. He rubbed his red, swollen eyes in pure exhaustion. After his brief encounter with prissy Paul he wasn't bothered and decided on roaming the halls for the rest of the night, leaving him without a sufficient amount of sleep. So instead of getting up and taking to the bus to his flat before tonight's shift he stood up, sat on the swivel chair and adjusted his sleeping position so he would be more comfortable.

Yet less than ten minutes before he could sink deeper into his dreams that would be forgotten as soon as he woke, his eyes shot open when he heard the sound of whistling and footsteps approaching. "John?" Stuart asked as he looked at his friend in surprise, like a deer caught in headlights. "W-What you doin' here?" John stretched out his limbs whilst yawning, before lazily replying to his friend.

"I was trying to get me some sleep," Stuart moved away from his shocked position and began placing his bags and it's contents on his desk. Then pushed John's feet off so he could achieve this task. "I guess some people have no respect." John continued Stu only paused to look at John who was wriggling his toes, and scrunched his nose up in disgust.

"Go home John, you stink, you're tired and you've got a shift tonight." John got up abruptly pretending to be hurt by his friends words and headed towards the door. "Fine! I see where I'm not wanted." He dived alright hand into his pocket in search of his glasses. After putting them on he noticed Stuart's ID in the corner of the room. He turned his head to see if his friend was watching, and after confirming Stu was too busy looking at a stupid notebook he picked the badge up and left the office.


They walked through the many vast corridors and as John was looking up he could see the photos, hung up on the walls, of famous people who had performed there. Like Vera Lynn, Glenn Miller and his orchestra and even Louis Armstrong!

John knew that this was a very popular venue he, Aunt Mimi and his Uncle George were lucky to go twice before and he loved it.

He was too busy looking at photographs to notice Jim had left the room at come back with plasters for John's knees. Jim gently rubbed the plaster over where John hurt himself to make sure it would stay on.

"Now let's move on to the offices I've got a little job for you to do for me." They walked through the corridors in comfortable silence until they reached a store cupboard.

John stared at Jim with a puzzled expression. Jim smiled at him and gave him a dustpan, a brush, a cloth and a duster.

"I need you to clean all the offices for me and when you've done that you can go to the canteen and have as many snacks as you want. After that you can clean more and meet me back here." John nodded distractedly mainly thinking about all the food in the canteen.

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