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For the purposes of the story, I have made people who were genuinely amazing, from what I know, into horrible people - I also changed Stuart's middle name.

"Why d'you tell her about what John said?" Ringo asked almost furiously as they hurried to John's flat. George rolled his eyes, he wished that a bus would come as soon as they passed a bus stop. The evil cycle of this not going his way, caused him to perspire more in the summery heat. The buses didn't seem to be working today. "I never told her what John said," He argued. "I only said tha' we were having a secret meeting at John's. Plus she's 'armless anyways."

Ringo noticed that George was wearing a women's purse for some reason until he realised he was wearing Pattie's "Oh for God's sake Geo!" Ringo whined. "Why do you have Pattie's purse - you nicking her money?" George laughed as they powerwalked in the other direction back to Penns to return the bag back to its owner. "No you idiot, I wrote me house number on paper and slipped it in her bag." He wiggled his eyebrows very seductively.

"Good luck with a girl as pretty as that."

"I won't need it, y'know a since I'm a boy as pretty as me." He argued back with his comedic arrogance


As soon as Pattie walked into the reception, which was cooled by the electric fan spinning on the ceiling, she had to walk outside into the heat. She had seen Cynthia and rushed out hoping she won't be spotted. "Pattie!" Cynthia called.

"Oh, hello Cyn."

"Where were you?" She asked and her eyes pierced deeply into her blue ones and Pattie knew trouble was coming. "Oh actually, nevermind that, its lovely weather lets take a walk." Pattie still tensed up, relaxed only very slightly, hopefully today was one of those days where Cynthia was normal. As had been maybe only a few months ago, back then they were great friends and could talk about anything, but she had changed - for the worst.

They walked normally only a few feet until they came across the alleyway next to Penns. Cynthia tightened her grip and dragged Pattie in, causing the younger one to yelp. "What the hell were you doing Pattie?" She spat at her raising the alarm bells in Pattie. "I can see it in your eyes." Pattie didn't answer her, she couldn't betray her friends, not because of a stupid plan. A horrible one too.

She had known Ritchie for as long as she'd been going to Penns. And she had developed a kind of crush on George and she didn't want to ruin the potential romance between them. But it was no use as Cynthia put it, she was smarter and stronger, Pattie was nothing. The nineteen year olds father also had told her that from before she could count past thirty.

Cynthia grabbed her arms and twisted it, kept it in that position and waited expectantly for an answer to her question. Other bruises on Patties arm had yet to heal making this ordeal a lot worse. She clamped her eyes shut in an effort not to cry. There wasn't any point this secret meeting they were having at John's flat was possibly just a silly thing they were doing - but then again she knew that wasn't true.

When George revealed that they were having a meeting, she saw the look of alarm and warning on Ringo's face. She thought of Ringo, George and poor little Paul. Now John would end up getting sucked into it - John was practically her older brother. What was she going to do? Cynthia knew deep down that this physical pain was only temporary and she could probably take it. "That money we're gonna make that third could be all yours - otherwise it'll be ypur fathers too." Cynthia egged on trying to hit a spot that she knew would affect the younger girl.

"If he finds out I'm sure he'll take everything. Spend it on booze a-" The thought of all of this money slipping out of her reach frightened Pattie and it caused her to crack and as she revealed what she knew to Cynthia she couldn't help but cry. "Paul, I-I think he knows. There's George, Richard a-and-"

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