A New Beginning

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   "Welcome, Mr. Smith (that was Clarence), Miss Duskall, and Miss Ruth to the Enterprise!" said a perky voice "I am Captain Kirk, this is mister Spock, Uhura, Mr. Scott, and doctor McCoy."

  My eyes were immediately drawn to Spock, I had never really been with another Vulcan other than my mother, since I grew up on earth. I noticed him look at me and I glanced away quickly.

  "If you have any questions just ask one of our senior staff." Kirk explained.

  "Mister Spock will show you to your quarters" said Kirk " After all of you have enough  time to settle in I will broadcast a message to you three signifying that you will go to your posts. Good luck!" Said Kirk as Uhura, Scotty and himself left the room. Spock instructed us to our rooms. I am unsure of what to think of Spock. He is very intriguing to say the least.

  "Miss. Duskall and Miss. Ruth, welcome to your quarters." Spock said in a serious voice.

  "I have too be roommates with her?!" Duskall roared. I sighed. So much for a new friend.

  "Do you have a problem with Miss. Ruth?"

  "Well yeah, she's a stupid sarcastic Vulcan."

  "If you have a problem with Ruth or Vulcans you may confront the Captain, but until then you will be her roommate. Now I will show you how to use the food replicator."

  I didn't listen to the lecture on the replicator. I just thought about Spock.

Xxx After the announcement xxX 

  I swiftly walked to the bridge, excited for my first day on the job. As soon as the door opened everyone on the bridge yelled 'Suprise!'. I showed a small smile.

  "Thank you." I said quietly. I am feeling shy. An emotion  am not used to feeling.

  "Well here is your post, Ruth" Kirk said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly arched my back and took one step away.

  "Sorry" Kirk said while swiftly taking his hand away and placing it behind his back "I didn't mean to..."

  "No need to apologize sir." I felt really akward after that. I don't know what got into me. I was very rude to have done that.

  The work period is over so I decided to go and ask Duskall what she's up.

  I slowly walked to the turbo lift, being careful to examine every detail of the ship carefully. Not paying attention to where I was going, I crashed into sombody and fell on the floor.

  "I am so sorry!" I heard a Russian voice say. I looked up to find a young adult looking reaching his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up. I brushed my dress off and straightened my hair. Vulcan hair is suprisingly illogical.

  "No it's my fault I was not looking were I was going." I said with a stern tone.

  "She's beautiful" I heard him whisper softly.

  "Thank you!"

  "Wait you heard me?!" His Russian accent is sort of cute!

  "Vulcans can hear up to 38.29% better than the average human. So yes I heard you." I could see him blush. "My name is Ruth by the way"

  "Chekov" he said in a sheepish voice as we shook hands for a second.

  "Well I guess I should be going now." I said.

  I started  to walk away as he said "I was just about to go to the mess hall, would you like to join me?"

  "Well actually..." I began, but then I saw the look in his eyes and could not resist the sudden urge to go with him. I sighed and said "I guess I have time."

  Chekov's face lit up. I felt like I wanted to smile but I don't want to show emotions to a human that thinks all Vulcans don't have emotions. We began walking to the mess hall as he asked me a question "So Ruth, how old are you?"

  "Eighteen" I announced "But next month is my nineteenth birthday."

  "Yes!!" He shouted "Finally someone my age! Well sort of my age, I'm seventeen."

  I was very confused. I do not understand why Chekov would care so much about having someone his age. But I shrugged and went with it.

XxxAn hour laterxxX 

  We talked non stop for an hour about our jobs and so many other things it was hard to keep track.

  "My next shift is starting soon so I should probably be going soon" Chekov stated.

  "Oh, ok." I said slightly disappointed. I really didn't want him to leave.

   "We will have to do this again Ruth."

  "Of course Chekov."



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