Keith Moon - 1 - (request)

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Request forDaisyMoon1 <3

Imagine you and your boyfriend Keith were in a big store. You needed to buy some more groceries. You heard Keith gasp. "What now?" you giggled. "Ice cream!" he said with excitement. "Keith, we don't need ice cream."

"Aw.. but we do!" he said, like an adorable child. "Alright.. fine." You responded, chuckling. Keith smiled and picked out some ice cream.

"(Y/n), I love you." Keith wrapped his arms around you and you smirked. "I love you more." You replied. Your lips intertwined. You never wanted it to end, until something happened. The lights of the grocery store went out.

"Oh my god." You said, sighing.

"Did.. did it close while we were in here?" Keith asked.

"Yup. It did. Without any warnings!" You were kind of spooked out at the fact it was blacked out, but the love of your life was here, so you knew you were safe. "What do we do now?" Keith curiously asked. "Just.. sit? Steal some of the ice cream?" You both laughed. "That sounds lovely.. and I'm glad you're here to do it with me." You blushed.



You stared at Keith's beautiful puppy brown eyes. "Stop that.." you giggled. "I can't help it. I love you." He blushed. "I love you more." You replied. "Heey. Don't one-up me!" You giggled at his comment. "Only because I love you."

You heard a weird whoosh noise. "I don't like this place at night.." you mumbled. Keith looked around if anybody was in the store. "Nothing is in here, just your imagination." You slowly nodded. "Do you know what time it is?" Keith looked down at a watch he was wearing (conveniently!). "9:48pm." You sighed. "It's gonna be a loooong night."

"Is that sexual?" Keith asked, smirking. "Wha- Keith!" You blushed. "No!" "Can it be?" He winked. You paused. "Eh, why not?" You slid down to the floor, and Keith followed. You and him locked lips. You slid your fingers through his hair. His hands were on your waist, going lower. You let out a small moan into his mouth. "Fuck.. you're beautiful (y/n)." You continued to blush even more. "I love you." "I love you more." He put his lips back on yours. It was a lovely night, *wink*.

You slowly opened your eyes. You noticed you were still in the grocery store, and so was Keith. "KEITH!" You yelled. He groaned. "Whaaaaat?" You giggled at his cuteness. "We're still in the grocery store." He sighed. "It's.." he paused. "10am. It's opening soon." You heard some footsteps, like they were walking towards you. "Oh my god!" You heard someone say. "Are you two alright? How did you get in here?!" It was a worker. "We got locked in." Keith responded. "Ah! I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. It was a fun night." He winked. "Oh.. well.. you two should get along now.." he said. You and Keith both nodded. You got up, and left the store.

"We still didn't get our groceries." Keith said. You both laughed and drove back to your house.


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