Pete Townshend - 1 -

524 12 9

Hope y'all enjoy 😊!! xoxo

Imagine you were walking down the street. You were in your own thoughts, aka not paying attention to what was around you, and you accidentally bumped into someone.

"Hey! Watch i- oh." You heard a voice said to you. You were on the tough concrete ground, holding your knee. "Oh God.. I'm so sorry!!" You said, sounding worried. "Did I hurt you?" You questioned. "No.. I'm fine. Thanks though." He got up. His hand reached for you, you accepted, and he helped you up. You wiped the dirt on your knee.

"Thank you, Mr...?" You awaited for him to tell you his name. "Pete. Pete Townshend." You blushed. Thee Pete Townshend?! Of The Who?? My favorite band?! You instantly thought. "O-oh... well, nice meeting you.. Pete."

"And you are...?" He asked. "(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." He smiled. "Nice meeting you, (y/n)." You were nervous since your crush was standing in front of you.

"I have to go.." you walked past him. "Wait!" He shouted at you. You walked back to him. "Yeah?" You were confused. "I...oh well." He kissed your cheek. You blushed even more. "P-Pete!" You giggled. "May I have your number?" He asked, politely. You nodded. He conveniently had a pen with him. He wrote his number on your hand, winked at you, and walked away.

You read what was on your hand: Don't keep me waiting, darling. You blushed at the snide comment. Oh trust me, you thought. I won't. You walked away.

Sorry that it's so short! It'll be longer next time. (:


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