[Chapter 3] Hell on Earth

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(__)'s eyes fluttered awake. The first things she felt was her back aching then her hands and then her legs. Her entire body ached with a strain. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, the room started to fit together. "Am I in the basement?" she mumbled in a low whisper. Quickly, she tried to swing her body upward but she was instantly pulled back down, hitting the floor with a thud.

Slowly turning her head around, the girls eyes were met with ropes that bound her wrists tightly to the floor. Her eyes welled, she couldn't help but want to cry. Shaking her head, the girl looks back at her tied wrists and gawped, "I can't just sit here and wait to die. I have to do something to get out of here!"

Which her eyes dancing across the room, she tried looking for anything in the basement that would help her Escape. Lady of luck must have been on her side when she noticed a pair of sharp hand pruners sitting on top of the cabinet closest to her. Now that she knew where they were located, the Second Step was trying to get them into her hands.

Using her leg, the girl delivered a harsh pick into the cabinet causing it to shake due to the shifting balance. A smile curled on her face as she watched the Gardens will fall from its shelf and lands on the floor meters away from her. She pulled her body into the direction of where tool had landed. Heaving grunts and cries escaped her throat as the Rope around her wrist Tightened. Using her mouth, she bit down on the handle of the tool and hold it closer to her, it was most likely unsanitary but you have to do what you have to do to survive.

Now that the gardening tools were in her possession, she uses them to free herself from the tight bonds of the Rope. The girl gently rubbed her wrist, trying to soothe the pain. large black and blue marks on her hands and wrists, most likely not going away in the meantime. "Fuck..." She crused quietly keeping her breath low. The burning pain in her body intensified as she listed herself off back on her feet. It had a raw quality, the realness of a person consumed by a pain that knew no end or limit.

"Now that my hands are free, I should try to find a way out of here." Her voice sounded strained, panicked, and yet she kept it at an effort to lower her tone. Eyes wandering around the room again, teenager tries to think of ideas of how to escape this nightmare. "I could try to kick down the door, but there's a high chance that he might hear me...I could just sit here and wait, but there's a high chance I would be dead before authorities would come and help me." The teen started to think of ideas out loud before her eyes met with the rusted metal of the air vents.

"That's it!" The girl happily said. "I could go through the air vents, That should be a secretive way to escape. All I need to do now is find a way to get up there." Walking back over to the cabinets, the girl lifted up a pair of heavy boxes and placed them below the vent. Using them as a staircase, the girl was able to claim her way up to the vent in open it.

With a satisfied smile making its way on her face, she climbs into the air vent as quietly as she could and try to navigate her way out. As she continued down the path, she ran into a fork in the road. Unable to think of what way would be the best option, she decided to go left and continue her journey.





As precious hours continue to tik away on the clock, The girl still wandered hopelessly. In her mind, the vents were like a difficult near me, every corner look the exact same way and she didn't know if she was going in circles. The only difference between the two of them was that there were no mirrors, but still rather difficult.

Banging her fist against the metal below her, The girls sobbed In a defeated tone, "Dammit! There's no way out of here, I'm going to be stuck in this hellhole forever!" In anger and in desperation, she continued to slam her fist against the metal. She whimpered, choked the sound of pain and the sound of her fist banging against the metal surface was all she could hear. When her fist was about to slam into the ground for the 13th time, the vents gave up on her weight and she fell down to the floor.

Her body dive-bombs to the floor and her body crashed into the Polish wood floors of the hallway. She laid motionless for a short period of time before grabbing onto a piece of furniture and lifting herself up. Stumbling a bit, the girl felt her nose leaking with blood due to the impact of the fall and she felt that were previously on her back open up again. Choking back a sob, the girl raised her head, trying to see which area of the house she was located in.

Her eyes sparkled with hope as she realized that she was in the hallway, only a mere couple of feet away from the front door. Slowly, she started walking towards the front door, not letting anyone get in the way between her and freedom. Before she was able to put her hand on the doorknob, She felt a hand coil around her hair and aggressively color back. She threw a glance over her shoulder, and then all her breath left her lungs in a cry.

As her body was being thrown against the floor, her head was swimming. she was unable to run, there was blood in her eyes, and her vision was getting darker, becoming tunneled, and it took all that she had to push herself back on her knees. An ominous chuckle broke the silence as Allen grabs the poor teenager by her throat, lifting her into the air.

Her breath was stolen, leaving her smothered lungs in a pained wheeze as Allen Continue to laugh at the girl's misery. "Let me go, you fucking bastard!" She growled as more blood continued to leak from her nose. There is a short pause like the calm before the storm, and then she was thrown to the wall. There was blood gushing from her mouth and other various locations. She coughed with a gurgling sound, Blood staining her lips making it taste like copper.

Grabbing the poor girl by her collar, she was lifted into the air again. Her heart stopped, and the blood instantly rushed to her ears. Everything had swallowed (__) into a pit of unrelenting horror. She swallowed, and then shuddered slightly as she coughed, blood dripping from her lips, trailing down her face.

With a cocky grin on his face, the killer pressed closer to her. His chest was broad and solid, and she wheezed, more blood spilling from her wound. Allen Lean Forward and pressed his lips against her blood-stained ones. She tried to struggle and push away, but the more she tried, Allen just forced himself closer, until there wasn't even any room to breathe. Due to the pain in her body, the teenager's body became Motionless as she passed out again.  

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