[Chapter 14] Bloody Ending

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She clenched her eyes shut, holding her breath. Allen was coming up the stairs, and there wasn't enough time to jump back into the room. His heavy footsteps rang in her ear as her heartbeat grew louder almost like an engine howling. She pressed herself still against the wall, praying she was small, and quiet, and hidden. Hoping that he couldn't smell her fear or hear the way her heart whimpered, her hand brushed up against something wooden. With a passing glance over her shoulder, she grit her teeth and hopped into the closet the closet she failed to notice prior; If she was in a much different situation, she probably would have laughed at her stupidity.

She cursed at the feeling of hangers poking into her back and boxes lightly scraping skin. There wasn't much space to move around in the closet, but It was safer than being out in the open. Besides that, the closet was completely dark. The only light came from the four slim horizontal slits on each side of the door. Not having time to question the odd design feature, her mind seemed scrambled when the creaking sound of the stairs stopped.

There was not a doubt in her mind that he made his way up the stairs and was now looking for her. The sound of footsteps started up again before the sound of a door opening, closing, and then a pause. The high schooler took a deep breath, trying to ground herself in the midst of her panic. When her heartbeat finally settled, she exited from her hiding place and descended down the stairs. As her foot landed on the first step, the wood released a painful Screech that anyone could hear from miles away. Knowing that he probably heard the noise, she quickly scrambled her way down.

She needed to get to safety, past the door and into the arms of the police officer who would help her. Heart thundering away in her chest, she heard the footsteps behind her. The thud of his shoes against the wooden flooring was enough to set her on edge, but she was sent more on edge when she was tugged backwards roughly. A grunt is pulled from her as her back hits his torso and his hand is digitally wrapped coolly around her throat, successfully holding her against him.

Struggling to buck the killer off of her body, Allen suave voice drawls out from behind her, "What's with the sudden hostility? Let me guess, was it because you didn't like the little gift I left you in the bedroom?" He leaned in, pressed himself against her behind. She only managed a weak kick that landed on nothing as the hand around her throat tightened slowly, a careful pressure being divided evenly across her pulse. "I never took you for the material type." His tone is teasing while his hand slid underneath the fabric of her shirt.

Her attention was drawn to the other hand when it ran up her throat to her cheek. Her face radiating warmth, a mixture of her exertion and embarrassment form the caress. The heat quickly turned to a sting of pain as he pulled his hand from the smaller girl's cheek and slapped her across the face. Tears welled in her eyes from the pain as another strike came to the other cheek.

"N-No! It hurts, It hurts! Stop!" she pleaded knowing her cries would fall on death's door. "What was that? Harder?" He smiled viciously, hands digging into the flesh almost enough to draw blood. Tears dripped freely down her face, as she tried to reach the knife that she placed in her back pocket.

She shivered violently when the hand that had been digging into her hips moved further up her body, causing the shirt to scrunch up as her stomach is slowly exposed. Her skin pricks instantly as she shudders from the change in temperature. Biting the inside of her cheek, She tried her best to hold back her cries, knowing that they just fed into his sadistic fantasies.

Releasing a gasping noises, his touch ghosts under her breasts, the tips of his fingers grazing over her nipples; she didn't know if she was gasping in fear or arousal, or a delicious mix of both. His hand made lazy circles on her chest, calloused fingers brushed against the sensitive nubs. Her thoughts were ragged, and she felt little moans escaping her mouth, but she knows better than to be lulled into a false sense of security.

When her hand was just about to reach the handle of the knife, she was slammed into the wall. "Oh? So you like playing with knives, huh? If that's what you want, then you're going to get it." The murderer grinned, his inner evil displaying itself it is full form. With his open hand, he took the knife from out of her reach and toyed with it.

The Knife approached her back slowly, the tip of the knife dancing from one point to another before it settled on the left shoulder. He pressed the tip cruelly inward until she let out a sharp hiss of pain. He watched as the bead of blood became a bright red stripe running straight from the girl's shoulder to her waist. He replaced the knife with his tongue and lapped at the freshly spilled blood on her shoulder. The sudden, violent action caused her to squeak.

"You like that don't you, Whore! You like this! Admit it! You're a masochistic whore!" Allen made sure that the high schooler caught a glimpse of his demonic smirk. The knife in her shoulders slid deeper, punching the breath from her lungs. She tried to wrest his arms free, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free. She arched her back, eyes blind as pain lanced through her body. She screamed or wanted to scream, but nothing came out, only a thin whistling sound.

The sound of the night falling to the floor echoed in her ears as her body was flipped over. Her bloody back was slammed against the wall and her face contorted into horror when she saw his crimson red eyes. The smile on his face made the girl want to vomit. She gritted her teeth together and turned her face away, biting back her words and whatever cries that wanted to leap from her mouth.

He flipped the knife, watching as the look of fear flashed in her eyes. Inserting the knife into the teenagers' stomach, he was slow with his movements as he pushed it into the hilt. Another thrust of the knife into her flesh followed another, until she was panting from the pain, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes. She turned her face away, but he grabbed her chin and turned her back.

"As much as I enjoy hurting you, and trust me, I love causing you pain, watching you squirm, and making you beg for me to stop, I think it's about time we reached the climax!" The killer laughed, a deep throaty sound, and pressed closer. His tongue forced her mouth open. She tried to order her body to bite down and to twist away from that invading tongue. Trying to lash out was useless at this point, since her body was slowly shutting down. With a final choke sob, she closed her eyes and despaired, knowing that she was not going to get her happy ending. 

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