[Chapter 8] The breakout

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With her eyes flickering across the room, she noticed that she wasn't in the same hallway where she was brutally assaulted, but Inside of somewhere where there is very little space. Coats and other various types of clothing wear hanging above her head like how the sun hangs in the sky. Boxers that were covered with dust were crammed into the corners while a vacuum cleaner sat right next to them. By the scenery around her, (__) knew that she was in a closet.

She didn't exactly new with the closet door was locked in, all she knew was that when Allen was finished with her, he threw her into the closet like an old toy. Her eyes were stinging with tears and pain still coursed through her torso. With a painful grunt, the teenager extended her arm forward and grabs the doorknob of the closet. By Some heavenly miracle, the closet door wasn't locked. " thank God, he forgot to lock it." She whimpered as she gently pushed it open crawled out of the claustrophobic space in the closet.

Before she was able to get back on her feet, Her body instantly became motionless as the sound of whistling entered her ears. As quiet as she could, She pushed herself forward and looked up. A painful shiver ran down her back as her eyes started to water even more. Skipping beats in her chest, her heart frantically moves up and down, frantically sending blood through her veins as her body began to shake similar to a maraca.

He was sitting on the couch with his bloodied baseball bat resting in the palm of his hand. His whistling became less Audible as he pressed the remote to the TV turning up the volume to the program he was watching. Cupping her mouth with her hand, she pressed her back against the couch and try to listen to what the TV was saying.

"Good evening everyone and welcome back to Channel 5 News! My name is Sarah McLachlan and I'm here to talk about the most recent victims of the serial killer who has just broken out of jail. All three of the victims were female and they were all killed with the same weapon. State the bodies are in, it's safe to assume that the bodies are a day old. At this point in time, the number of victims is at 5!"

Placing both hands over her ears, the girls fought the urge to vomit while listening to the news report. The sick bastard that broke into her house and ruined her everyday life was reminiscing about his old crimes by watching the news report about them. She quietly sat there, Her ears peaks and her stomach dropped when she heard the familiar Wicked chuckle of Allen, "Haha, The number is soon going to rise to 6....Actually no, I think I'm going to keep her!"

Arching forward, her body curled as Her heartbeat quickens and her eyes wide and so wide that you couldn't even see the pupils. "No...No...No..." She was only to say one word like a broken record player as she quietly stopped behind the couch. Her heart instantly Flatline when she felt the weight of the couch shiffon as Allen stood up.

"Damn it, I'm hungry as hell! let's see if this bitch has anything good in her pantry." He growled as he walked his way towards the kitchen. As she slowly watches to leave the living room, in her mind she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to run and flee. As soon as he exited the living room, the teenager sprang up from her hiding spot and slowly made her way towards the entrance that led to the hallway. Poking her head out, she looks down the hall and watched him stumble back and forth into the kitchen.

Quickly, she turned in the opposite direction and ran towards the door. when she made it to the front door, she grips the handle vigorously turned it back and forth, but to no avail. If the door was open on its own, she would have to open it herself. The teenager slams herself against the door; causing pain to shoot up her entire body and forcing her to stumble back. With anxiety and rage taking hold of her, she ran her body against the door again and again. The pain in her body continued to increase as more bruises started to form on her arms and side, but it didn't matter. As long as she was able to find a way out, all of the pain that she felt was worth it.

"I...am...not..staying...here!" She chanted after each attempt, tears running down her face once more. after the last word left her mouth, the door broke open with a loud bang; causing her to fall onto the porch with a bloody shoulder. Scrambling onto her feet, she took off down the street when she heard Allan voice yell, "What the fuck was that!"

Her blood splattered on the concrete below her as she ran, the teenager knew that she wouldn't be able to make it to the police station in time. If she were to try, Allen would easily catch up with her. she needed to go somewhere safe and somewhere close. The only safe place in a close distance that pops in her mind was (M/BFF)'s house. when did I flood into her head, she sprinted faster as she made her way towards his house. 

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