[Chapter 12] Worse than Death

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As the floorboards Creak under her constant shifting weight, (__) Held onto the kitchen knife as tight as she could. With her body shaking uneasily like an eerie maraca, She continuously tells the deep breaths to calm herself down. She quickly made her way down the Halls knowing that her friend was in danger and she needed to help him; The only problem with that is that she didn't know where he was.

"He said that he was going to try to turn the power back on...So maybe he's in the basement?" She thought out loud as her voice shook and trembled. She hated to admit it, but that's the only place where the power breaker could be. Her body trembled underneath the weight of knowing that she had to go into the basement. Backflashes of her nightmarish time Trapped within her own basement haunted the back corner of her memory and she walked to a door to the basement.

An uneasy feeling dance across her as her hand nervously shake back and forth as she opened the door. The first colored that appeared in her eyes were solid black color, the same dark color that surrounded her in her nightmare.

"It's okay (__), You got this," She gulped hesitantly, "We're going to find (M/BFF) and get the fuck out of here!" Her voice seemed to raise what she said the last part; she didn't know if she did it out of fear or did it out of bravery. Regardless of what it was, she took the first step and proceeded to go down into the basement. In a sick and twisted way, She almost felt confident when she descended down the staircase; In her mind, nothing could be as bad as the putrid nightmare she had.

When she fell off the concrete floor of the basement below her feet, (__) pulled the knife closer to her chest as she began to walk in the basement. Running up against the wall, her calloused fingers felt the unsmooth feeling up a wall as she tried to locate the circuit breaker. A few minutes pasted by on the clock before she noticed that the feeling of rough concrete was replaced with the feeling of smooth metal.

As her eyes became more adjusted to the dark, she popped open the circuit breaker and fiddled with the wires inside of it. When she grabbed the two wires of the same color and put them together, Sparks dance to cross both of them and the power flash on. When the lights flickered on with the accompanie of the buzzing light bulbs, Her heart fell into her stomach and instantly shattered on impact. with her eyes adjusting to the light, they tremble like a child when she noticed a larger hand pressed up against the wall; successfully putting her between the wall and whoever was behind her.

"What do you think you're doing, Bicth?" Allen purred as the icy touch of his breath slaps the sensitive skin underneath her ears. Her heartbeat rapidly increased similarly to a bird continuously flapping its wings to escape its predator. A chuckle escaped his lips as he placed his Chin on the edge of her shoulders, causing a painful shiver to drop down her spine like one of those dropper posters that you would find at an amusement park. "You know, I find it somewhat funny," His voice trailed off and entered her ears, "Did you actually think that you'll be able to escape me without having to face the consequences?" The last part of his sentence came out as a growl. Like the Calm before the storm, everything was quiet before his hand abruptly pushed her against the wall. Blood spewed out of her mouth like a gusher as she fell down to the floor with her hands covering her mouth.

With his feet placed on her back, he pushed down words causing her upper body to curl up to be forced downward into her knees; into a fetal position. "It's stupid to even think that you would ever get away from me. It makes me absolutely sick to think of you leaving me. Oh, how it makes my heart ache~" He giggled and a sickly Sweet tone as he continued to push his weight down upon her.

As her back felt like it was about to snap in half like a KitKat, tears escape the corners of her eyes as a small trails not exited her nose. The corners of her eyes become bloodshot as more tears seeped from her eyes like sap seeping out of a tree. With her voice dried out from crying, her lips cracked open and released a horse question

"...why me..."

Suddenly, the weight on her back was suddenly released and replaced with the feeling of lightness. As she sucks oxygen back into her dried out lungs, She tilted her head to the left and met with his Crimson eyes. Quickly, his eyes shifted into a darker expression as he grabbed her scalp.

A painful pry erupted from her mouth as her body was forcefully lifted into the air. Her scalp hair due to the fact that it had the support so much weight and blood oozed out of the oversized cuts. At this point in time, she was wondering how she was still alive due to how much blood had exited her body; at this point she should have surely bleed to death, but I guess the gods didn't want to give her a break.

"Why?" His words were filled with Venom as he wanted her by repeating her question. "Why not...? Don't you think things are more fun when they're not given a reason for happening...because when things are given a reason it makes them Predictable and my whole aesthetic is being unpredictable"

Every single letter that came out of his mouth was poison to her, it filled her with despair and made the pain that she felt even worse. There was no defined reason for her suffering, it could have happened to anyone, so why did it have to be her, why did she have to be the chosen one in a circus of pain. Refusing to give up, she spat in his face And he dropped her as soon as the blood-covered saliva collided with his face.

Within a heartbeat and without hesitation, she used her sore arms to lift yourself off the floor and run it back up the staircase. Nearly tripping over the wooden steps, she could hear his voice echo from downstairs and her body trembled with fear and anger. Kicking the door open with her injured foot, she exited the basement and slammed the door behind her. Quickly, she used all of the strength within her body to push a piece of furniture in front of the door, successfully locking him in the basement. Once she was safe, she took a few breaths and mumbled, "...I need to get out of here...I need to find (M/BFF) and to get out of here..."

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