The hospital visit.

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Anna's point of view

Kristoph told me he wasn't the father when I told him I was pregnant. I couldn't of who the father could be so I went to the doctor to find out. "Doctor, When I told my boyfriend/fiancé I was pregnant, he told me he wasn't the father. I just want to figure out who the father is. " I told the doctor. "Ok, we'll do a DNA test and then tell you the results. " The doctor reassured me. "ok thanks." I replied while smiling. I had to wait like almost half an hour waiting for results. I was getting very very nervous. Who would the father be? who could it be? Is it Kristoph? "The results,
My lady." the doctor said, "The father is......" then he gasped but tried to keep it in. "Prince Hans of the southern isles." "WHAT?! HOW?!" I yelled, how was Hans the father to my baby? we're not in love, we didn't have it! what was Elsa going to say? Hans is her boyfriend. I went back home, how was I supposed to tell Elsa or Hans?

Hans point of view

I saw Anna running towards me. "Anna, Are you ok?" I asked Anna, she looked really nervous and tense. "No I am not. I went to the hospital to find out who the father was. because Kristoph refused to believe he was the father. So I went to the doctor to see if I was right or he was." Anna replied. "What were the results? Is he right or are you right?" I asked Anna. I saw Anna get ever more nervous and uneasy. "he was right, he wasn't the father..." Anna exclaimed. My mouth dropped, who was the father then?!?! "Who's the real father then??" I asked Anna. She got even more uneasy, but then she took a deep breath and calmed down, but still a little nervous. "The father is..." Anna started to say and then took a deep breath, deeper than the other one. "You." Anna told me. "I feel lucky for hi-, Wait, WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled. "You're the father..." Anna said again. "But, but how???" I asked in a surprised tone. "Anna, I'm sorry I acted like that, I shouldn't of done that." Kristoph came in. oh great...... how is Anna going to tell him? "Kristoph, I went to the doctor and... you're right, you're not the father of the baby...." Anna told Kristoph. His face was full of surprise.

Anna's point of view

"What?" I'm not the father? who is the father then?" Kristoph looked at me while saying. Hans and I looked at each other. "please don't tell me Hans is the father. please don't say that...." Kristoph asked. "I can not say that..." I told him. "why can't you say that he isn't?" Kristoph asked me. "Because, that would be lying..." I told Kristoph, he was surprised and got mad in a instant. Then Kristoph ran to his door and went into his room. "Kristoph!" I yelled while banging on the door. "Anna, it's ok." Hans reassured me everything was going to be alright. "Everything will be alright." "OW!" I said while I moaned. "what? what's the matter?" Hans asked. "I think it's time.. OW!" I said while holding my stomach. "Do you want me or Kristoph to come with you?" Hans asked me. "Hans? Would you mind if you went? Kristoph is really mad at me and I don't need the extra stress right now." I asked Hans. "what ever u say." Hans said and we were on our way to the hospital.

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