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Creaking noises came from across the room as one of the girls attempted to lose their daily intake of calories. Numbers almost permanently etched into the walls from the constant mumbling of girls.
I shoved my pillow onto my head, trying to drown out the noise. I rolled onto my side and stared into the darkness.

"Rise and shine, Rise and shine. We've got an exciting day ahead" Came the all too happy voice of Luke. Groaning, I pushed my hand out of the duvet cover and held it out expectantly. His hand reached mine and pulled me up.

"What the hell could be exciting in this place?"

"I suppose you're right, but who says we're staying here"

I rolled my eyes and rolled out of my bed. After throwing on some jumper and jeans from the floor, I traipsed down the stairs to meet the energetic boy. After a mumbled conversation with Lobo, he gripped my hand again and pulled me outside.

Halfway down the road he suddenly spoke
"I levelled up, Managed to get a whole day out for us." 
"Oh great- a whole day of you!" Sarcasm emphasised on every word. His grip on my hand tightened and he pulled me in another direction.

At the top of a small hill he sat down and opened his backpack. His mouth opened slightly in concentration as he searched for the small blanket which he pulled out seconds later. My heart suddenly swelled and a new feeling raced around my body. The blanket was wrapped around my shoulders,
"So you don't get cold",

My eyes wandered around the city below us. Some lights dotted around glaring through windows. The instant realisation that it was still dark hit me.

"Why are we out so early? It's not even day yet." I asked.
With a slight grin on his face he replied,"Just wait and see"
He pulled me in towards his side and rested his heap atop of mine. His brown hair tickled my forehead as the wind blew it around. Concentrated, I stared into the city waiting for the reason we were here. He nudged me, pointed forward at the horizon.
"Look Eli, see it?"

I could see it, the most wonderful sunrise I had ever seen. Not that it was any different to any other sunrise. What made it the best was the boy sat next to me, not that I would admit this. His strong arms holding onto me, as if he thought if he let go I would fly away. The colours mixed and merged together in the sky, creating amazing shades of orange and reds. I didn't risk blinking- not wanting to miss a second of this. Finally, I was happy.

After a few hours, when the sun had reached its peak in the sky and the colours had faded to just yellow and blue, Luke jumped up and signalled for me to do the same. I shot him a look, I was too tired. My hand found his again as we began to walk down the hill. Numbers still ticking around in my head, counting the number of calories that I would've burned off by now.

Luke's eyes met mine,"Stop thinking about numbers and enjoy now"
"It's hard you know that," I sighed "I am enjoying now.."
His mouth grew into a smile and he slowed to a stop.

"Which one?" He asked, nodding towards all the buildings in front of us.
My brain scanned over the options, all of them involving eating. I chose the healthiest looking one and we walked into it.

We sat at a table near the corner of the room, still holding hands over the table. I glanced at the menu, trying to find the lowest number.
Luke noticed my expression,
"Eli, you don't have to eat. Just atleast get a drink."
I nodded and scanned the drinks,
"I'll have a water please" I turned to face the waiter, she nodded and wrote down our order then left.

"So, what else do you want to do today?" He asked while chewing his food.
"I don't know, it's your day out." I said sipping my water.
"Yeah but I want to treat you to a day"

I sighed, glancing at his food. If only I could eat and not feel any panic or worry about how to lose the weight.
"You wanna try some" He spoke, spitting out half his mouthful in the process.
I laughed at his failure and nodded after a silent fight with myself. I picked up my fork and stabbed the smallest bit of potato. Lifting it up to my lips, I inhaled the smell. I placed it on my tongue and started to chew. My mind battled itself. Thoughts of the fat girl I am and how it would only get worse beat the thoughts of recovery. Luke noticed, he grabbed a napkin and held it up to my mouth. The food came spilling out and onto the napkin.

As all waiters do, ours came over to check on us. Perfect timing. Her glance at the half eaten food mushed into the napkin in front of me was not a look of happiness.

"Sorry about that, her new meds mess with her appetite" Luke dismissed the woman's look and continued eating. After he finished and we paid, He picked up his backpack and led me out of the restaurant. We wandered back to Threshold and quietly snuck inside.

Everyone was sat taking part in the end of the day talk. Their eyes fell on us as we fell into the house,
"This isn't fair! They always get to go out together!"
"Yeah it isn't. I want to go out."
"Why don't we get to go anywhere"
Cries came from the girls in the room.
Me and Lucas looked at each other and raced up the stairs into his room. Falling into our backs on his bed we burst out laughing.

"Well, we don't have many fans anymore" Luke chuckled.
"I guess" I laughed along with him. Our hands intwined between us and Luke rolled onto his side. Our eyes met.I noticed his gaze flicker from my eyes to my lips. Our heads began to move closer. Eyes shutting.

"Woah woah! Sorry to interrupt this love fest but Eli we need to talk." Dr Beckham said.

I groaned and slammed my fist down on the bed. My other hand still intwined with Luke's. He gave my hand a squeeze of reassurance and I got up and began the walk down the stairs.

AN: If you could all comment your opinions, any changes you would make or any in corrections that you've spotted throughout the story that would be helpful! Also if you have any plot ideas that you would like to happen comment them too!

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