➢ seventy nine

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excuse me for being terrible when it comes to writing weddings. i've only been to one wedding (i think) and that was when i was like six so i don't remember much. no matter how much research i do for stuff like this, i still end up being confused lol. anyway, bare with me if the order of stuff isn't correct, or if i miss something!!


Jensen took a deep breath, walking down the aisle.

Misha would be coming in in a few moments, after all of their groomsmen and parents walked down the aisle. The groom typically walked alone down the aisle without anyone by their side, but Misha, being Misha, wanted to walk his mother down the aisle and help her to her seat before joining Jensen at the altar.

The groomsmen eventually came down the aisle. Jensen smiled at each of them, some of them being his closest friends.

And suddenly, it was time. The doors swung open again to reveal Misha and his mother, their arms linked together as they started making their way down the aisle, Jared's kids tossing flower petals onto the carpet as they went (Shepherd and Thomas both insisted that they wanted to be the flower boys).

Jensen sucked in a breath as soon as he saw Misha. Damn. He looked good. Sure, Jensen had seen him in suits plenty of times– hell, almost all the time, since that's what Castiel always wore, but there was something different to Misha this time. He couldn't quite place what it was. Maybe it was the fact that it was his soon to be husband, or how he was practically grinning from ear to ear, or maybe it was because he seemed to glowing. Not literally, but his body language radiated off notes of happiness and eagerness.

Whatever it was, it made Misha look amazing. Jensen was smiling at him the whole time he made his way down the aisle, and his fiancé was smiling just as much. Misha stopped at the end of the aisle, pressing a kiss to his mother's cheek and helping her sit down on the pew. Once she was sat down, he turned around and stepped up to the altar.

The priest spoke to the crowd assembled in the pews. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today....." and the rest of it went in one ear and out the other. Jensen wasn't even really paying attention at that point. His heart was pounding, and felt like everyone around him could practically hear it thumping against his chest.

It was a mixture of excitement and nervousness causing his heart to pound. He knew he shouldn't be so nervous about it since it was Misha. He'd known this man for a decade now. There was no one else he felt more comfortable with, except maybe for Jared, but that was different.

And before he knew it, both of them had read their wedding vows and done the ring exchange. Jensen took a deep breath as he listened to the priest's words. "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

Jensen stepped closer to his husband, wrapping his arms around his waist. They both leaned in, meeting each other halfway. Their lips met, moving softly against the other. Jensen heard heard someone off to the side wolf-whistle (it was Mark Pellegrino), and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, pulling away from Misha. He grinned at him, eyes sparkling with happiness.

Misha was grinning just as widely at him. "Hey there, Mr. Ackles-Collins."

"Hey, also Mr. Ackles-Collins." He greeted him. "Ready to go to the reception?" He offered out his arm.

"Yep." Misha nodded, linking their arms together, starting to walk back down the aisle. He waved at a few of the people sitting on his side of the church, smiling brightly at them before making their way out to the limo that would take them to their reception.

Jensen helped him into the limo, taking his hand in his once they were all situated. "Well, that was exhilarating."

"Definitely." He nodded in agreement. "But there's still more to go. And by the way, when we cut the cake, you better not shove it in my face like you did with that pie that one time on set."

He chuckled at the memory. "Nah, I wouldn't do that to you. Not on our special night, anyway."

"Gee, that makes me feel assured." Misha said sarcastically with a playful roll of his eyes.

"That's the point, babe." He laughed.

Misha leaned his head on his husband's shoulder, their fingers still intertwined. "Tonight's gonna be long night."

"Yeah. But just think, we'll be on our honeymoon for two weeks straight. Just us." Jensen reminded him.

"I forgot about that. But I can't wait." He smiled up at him, letting out a content sigh.

"Me too." Jensen agreed, smiling down at him.


okay y'all: i've been stuck forever thinking about where they would go for their honeymoon, but for the life of me i can't think of a place. so if you have any suggestions for where they could go for their honeymoon, that'd be awesome if you could let me know!

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