A Night Worth Remembering

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"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love."
― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Ara, while I am all for putting in the extra effort to improve one's self, I do think you deserve after a day like this. Eun chided as I strolled through the spacious hallway, eyes glued onto the strange book.

"I feel like we'll unlock some vital secrets if we understand that book," I reasoned, flipping to a page filled with foreign text. "The sooner I figure this out the better."

Yes, but was bringing the book to your bath truly necessary?

"Hey, some people say they get their best ideas while bathing."

You can barely understand the pictures drawn in the book. How can you expect to decipher its true meaning while submerged in warm water?

"Shut up," I snapped as soon as someone exited their room. I could feel a full-blown blush colouring my cheeks at the familiar aqua-green eyes widening on me.

Would you like to repeat that again, Child? Eun teased; normally I'd be cherishing the moments where Eun would let loose, but right now I really wish I felt my companion in my room.

"S-sorry?" Sasha stammered, dumbfounded.

"I was just thinking out loud," I lied smoothly, slamming the old, musky book closed.

Sasha seemed satisfied at my answer, though she still tensed up as she joined me on my walk to the dining hall. We walked side by side in silence, Sasha kept her head down and her arms folded tightly. She held herself like she was walking through a storm, alone and freezing in the cold.

"So did you remember anything else while we were gone?" I invited gently.

Her fingers dug into her silken sleeves," er...no, sorry."

"Oh...so what did you do all day?" I tried again, hoping to hide the awkwardness from my voice.

She blinked," I spent some time with the Queen. She walked around the castle with me talking about anything that came to mind." Her coiled fingers relaxed somewhat. "Afterwards she escorted me to the Fountain of Healing, I spent the rest of my day there meditating."

"The Fountain of Healing?"

"Yes, it's a waterfall in the back courtyard. Our ancestors believed its waters had the power to soothe a tired mind and or body."

"After the day we had, I wish someone would've told us about this fountain sooner." I joked, rolling my slightly aching shoulder.

Sasha curled her lips and averted her gaze onto the elongated windows, her eyes shining with silver moonlight. For a second I was sure she was finished speaking to me, but before I could retreat back into my thoughts she spoke softly.

"Your team is brave," she murmured. "Braver than I can ever be."

I wish I could've said something to comfort her then and there, but her abrupt comment caught me so off guard I was left speechless.

"I am the Water Priestess, chosen protector of our peoples' sacred treasure," she continued, to my relief she didn't sound offended at my silence. "I should be out there, fighting with my life on the line, and not staying in the safety of the Seikers' castle."

"Well, it's better for my team to go out there than you. Y'know, since we have more people," I reminded her. Maybe this fact will make her feel better.

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