Unlucky In Love *Chapter 4*

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"Miss Tate, this way please." A teenage boy wearing a black and white waiters uniform leads us through a crowd of stares and onto the back patio that looks into the marina. He seats us at a table closest to the railing and hands us menus. 

"We thank you ever so much, sir." I say as the boy introduces himself as Gale and retrieves a pad of paper from his white apron. His cheeks redden. 

"What would you to like to drink this evening?" He asks us. I glance at Dexter, who has a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Darling, what would you like?" He asks me and reaches over to hold my hand over the table. I kick him and smile.

"Can I get a glass of your finest Merlot?" I ask. The boy looks at me, a puzzled look gracing his splotched face. 

"I cannot serve alcohol to a minor." He says. I smile sweetly. 

"Look sweetheart, you're either going to bring me a glass of wine and my date here a scotch on the rocks, or your boss is going to get a lovely call from Mr. Tate about the lack of service this fine establishment serves." 

"Yes Miss Tate." He scribbles on the pad of paper and scuttles away, obviously scared to death. 

"Is that kid even old enough to serve alcohol?" I giggle a little for show and shrug. 

"Are you even old enough to drink it?" I ask. He shakes his head. 

"I'm only nineteen." He whispers a bit too loud to be telling a secret. I wink. 

"I'm but 18 years young." I reply, matching his level. 

"Shame on you Miss Tate. You are far to young to be drinking." I nod. 

"I'm far to young to be marrying is what I'm far to young for." I say. Gale comes back with our drinks in hand. I nod politely and he leaves, letting us look over our menus for a short time more. 

"Amen to that." Dexter says, clinking our glasses together in a toast of sorts. I smile a genuine smile and think to myself how this might not be so bad. 

"So what would you like to eat, sweetheart." I cringe at the pet name and glance over the menu, although I have pretty much memorized it by now. 

"Anything you order for me, darling." I stress the last word. 

"You're wish is my command, my love." He waves two fingers in the air, summoning Gale from the corner of the patio. While he orders I space out into the marina. The lights of the buildings surrounding the water reflects off and bounces back in a puzzle of colors. The sight is pretty, and I so much wish to be on a boat in the middle of the marina, rather than having dinner with the person I would least like to have dinner with. 

"Will that be all, pumpkin?" Dexter asks me for what might be the second time. I smile at Gale and stare straight into Dexters bright green eyes. 

"Of course, KissyFace." I wink at Gale and he goes inside and into the kitchen to give our order. 

"KissyFace? Really, Crecentia?" I nod enthusiastically and sip my wine. 


"You are so lame." He says, a hidden tone of laughter in his voice. 

"I am not!" 

"You sure are miss 'I'm better than everyone and have authority over everyone, and am much more regal than everyone.'" He mocks and takes a swig of the scotch in front of him. 

"Ew, this is disgusting, why did you order this." He says, sticking out his tounge and scruntching up his face. I laugh hysterically and take the cup from him, taking a sip of it myself.

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