"Your new semester starts today but don't worry about it, just study great and work hard like you always do and the result will be greater than great like always" - RKG
Buat para readers yg udah mulai sekolah,Semangat yaa!
Quotes [eng]
De TodoHanya sebuah kata pewakil rasa yang tak bisa di ungkapkan. -gue bukan kaya mereka yang bisa curhat dengan leluasa, gue lebih suka mendem apa yang gue rasa dan mengekspresikannya lewat quotes.
Quotes 28
"Your new semester starts today but don't worry about it, just study great and work hard like you always do and the result will be greater than great like always" - RKG
Buat para readers yg udah mulai sekolah,Semangat yaa!