never let go <3

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(A/N: this is the intro if you dont want to read you dont have to but it's just amys backround kk ly)

hey my name is amy trop. my life hasn’t been that good so far i’ve loved and i’ve lost but life has kept going and so have i. when i was young me and my dad were really close and we loved spending time together but something happened and am not quit sure what but it did. my dad started to get very violent towards me and my mum when i was about 10 and the only way i could get away from it was to be with my best friend in the whole wide world bradley will Simpson. in the mater of a year and a half, me and brad fell deeply in to true love when i was around 11 1/2 [ano young but i’ve known him all my life i trust him allot]. his family treat me like there own and when it came to my 12th birthday brad finally pulled up the curige to ask me to  be his girlfriend and of corse i said ‘yes’.

As time flew by me and brad grew closer and closer and my dad got more violent but when i was with brad it all went away [if only he was here know]. brad started a band with a very lovely boy called James he was like a big brother to me by this time i was 15 and nearly 16. brad came over the morning of my birthday and we sat in my room as i opened his present ‘he got me a necklace it said my true love’ and for the first time we properly kissed with tung except my dad burs through the door shouting at brad telling him ‘your a pedofile, a rapist, you can never see my daughter agin’ i was in floods of tears he picked all my stuff up and threw it in his work van and tolled me and my mam we were moving. my mam tried to stop him but he wouldn’t. the last thing brad ever said to me was “i’ll never let go. i’ll be in the stars were ever you are, never forget me” and then my dad wished me away NEVER EVER to see brad again.

about a year ago my dad was arrested for a life time for abusing me and my mum. we are trying to build are lives back together so i got a job and today is the day i start.

never let go &lt;3 *finished*Where stories live. Discover now