she has forgotten :(

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james pov

i woke to the sound of brad singing ‘why’d you only call me when your high’ “sorry mate, did i wake you” i looked at him “what time is it” we had a late night last night we were wrighting songs from god knows when. “um it’s half nine” i jumped up the boys are coming at two on the train i need to pick them up and before that i need to go get my string fixed but brad knows London slightly better than i do as he’s lived her longer than me “brad were is the nearest instrument shop i need to get a string replaced” he came into my room once again “um down the end of the street” he walked out “thanks” i walked to my wardrobe and threw a black vest top with a pice sign on it, dark blue skinie’s and some black vans. then i styled my hair and grabbed my phone of charge and ran down the stairs into the kitchen and grabbed an apple by the time i had done this it was about 10:30am wow it takes me ages to get ready i swear I’m like a girl sometimes but we’ll not tell the boys that. “brad am off need anything?” i was hopping for him to say no but guess what “yeah can you get me a macdonals breakfast pleeeeeeseeee” he shouted from upstairs “fine a’ll do that before i get my string sorted coz we wouldn’t want my band mate dead off of not eating” he laughed from upstairs and then i left.

once i had got brads breakfast i headed home and dropped it of before trying to fined this music shop. i finally came to it. i pulled the car straight up in front of it then got out and decide to have a look on twitter. i grabbed the guitar out the boot then still on my phone headed inside. for some resin i felt like i was being watched i looked up to see someone so unexpected…amy i think it was anyway my mouth dropped she was like a little sister to me and brads love of his life he still hasn’t got over her quit yet i must of been creeping her out so much she is looking around her then back to me “WHAT is it?” she sounded quite scared of what i was about to say  “is there something on my face” she started to feel her face but then i couldn’t help myself  “are you amy…amy trop”  she had one of them ‘what have i done look’s’ just like brads “yeah why?” she looked at me puzzled but i was just so happy to see her and i hugged her i blurted out my thoughts in her ear “brad is going to be so pleased” she pulled away she looked quite creeped out “how do you know me and haw do you know brad” i felt my face drop she really docent remember me. i put my hand through my hair “you don’t remember me do you?” she squinted her eyes and looked closer to me to try and jog her memory i hope “no sorry” she looked to the floor i carnet be mad at her i haven seen her in ages i pulled her face back to me “its me James…James mcvey” she screamed and jumped into my arms i heard her sniffling i thought she was crying but no i don’t know what she was doing but i need to tell brad she pulled away “I’m going for my lunch now if you want to grab a bite” she smiles her teeth are really white “um yeah mined if i tell brad”

amy’s pov

them word’s kept circling my brain and soon i blacked out.


at the hospital [but amy dosn’t know yet]


i woke to the sound of my mam’s sweet voice “baby wake up, i love you” she sounded like she was crying. my eyes opened and everything was blurry i could make out my mother sat next to me and i was in hospital and my head hurt pretty bad. i looked into the corner there were to things in the corner…Wight no 2 people i couldn’t quite make them out as my vision was quite blurry as i said “ooo amy you awake” my mother hugged me then smiled “your wish came true” what was she on about. my vision started to become normal and the 2 people became clear…OMG ITS BRAD i cleared my throught but it was still corky “brad!!!” he walked over to the bed and smiled “what is it baby” the sound of his voice made me shiver i had my love back…but what if he had a girlfriend. i couldn’t reply as the doctor came in “time for amy’s sponge bath…o your awake” i couldn’t move my head very well but i still could speak “what happened? and haw long have i been unconscious for?” James piped up from the corner “you passed out in the shop and hit your head of the metal shelves and you’ve been asleep about almost a week know” haw long, i carnet even remember what happened very we’ll then the doctor snapped me out my thoughts “um you have to stay tonight so we can keep an eye on you young lady and if your all good then you can go home tomorrow” my mum looked really happy “o amy i have missed my hugs and kisses” i smile at her “so have i mum, even though i didn’t know i was asleep haha” i sniggered then the realisation came back to me brad was hear “brad i’ve missed you” i felt tears well up in my eyes and my mum moved away making room for brad “baby i’ve missed you to…i never forgot you” his eyes were blood shot and he had massif bags under his eyes and tears were falling slowly i wiped them away “o don’t cry…you look awful” he laughed “is that all you can say” my face dropped again “he’s gone bradley my dad he’s gone” he hugged me “i know A, we can be together again…well if thats what you want of course” i smiled is he kidding i’ve wanted this my whole life no jokes “of course bradley” he kissed my forehead i closed my eyes and smiled to myself. i was soon drifted of into a deep sleep.

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