Chapter 1: Waking Up Somewhere New

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A/N: This story will be written in Olivia's point of view. It takes place shortly after Mellie's inauguration. I will update as often as I can:)
I open my eyes to reveal a simple room with a small oak wood table to my right, some computer screens to my left, and a hospital bed beneath me. I struggle for air, panicking. Why am I here? It seems like I'm hooked up to a billion IVs. Before I can continue my train of thought, Mellie comes bursting through the door. Her dark chocolate-colored ponytail swings behind her as she makes her way over to my bed.

"What happened?! Are you okay? Did somebody hurt you? I came as soon as I got the call saying you were in the hospital!" The doctor promptly follows her in.

"Madam President Grant, you must be quiet, Miss Pope has just awoken and we don't want to startle her."

"Of course, my mistake. Perhaps I should ask you, doctor, what caused Olivia to come here?" Mellie's words flowed out with grace, but they were laced with so much worry. I didn't know she cared so much about me. I have a weird sensation in my abdomen. It feels like when you're at the top of a roller coaster, this is so new.

"Miss Pope was brought into the ER with a severe case of alcohol poisoning. Thankfully, Mr. Vice President Ballard was able to find her and bring her in before it was too late. He had some duties to attend to, so he wasn't able to stay," said the doctor.

"Olivia?! What were you thinking? You're my Chief of Staff! You're my friend! I need someone dependable-"

"Madam President, be patient. Once again, Miss Pope has just woken up."

"You're right. I need to calm down. I just get so worried." She glanced over at me with those smoky blue eyes. Good god, I love those eyes of hers. She shifted her gaze from my eyes to the doctor's. "It's okay for you to leave now, doctor. Thank you so much for helping." The doctor looked over at me for confirmation. I nodded in response. She closed the door gently and hurried on her way.

"Liv, what happened?" Mellie was speaking very quickly, a habit she can't break when she is nervous.

"I don't remember much. The only recollection I have of last night was opening the bottle of '94 du Bellay."

"Liv! I know how hard it's been with Huck dying and being Chief of Staff, but this can't happen ever again. I was worried sick about you." She looked down at her fresh manicure for a few seconds and then back up at me to see the tears rolling down my face. "Oh no no no Liv! Don't cry! I didn't mean to push! I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Mellie, really. It's not your fault," I said through sniffles. She put her soft hands on my face and wiped my tears with her thumbs.

"I've just been so stressed out. Leading a country is hard. I didn't give Fitz enough credit." She leaned in closer and brushed away a stray piece of hair from my face. Her eyes fluttered down to my lips, and back up to my eyes. She leaned even closer...

As Fitz comes blasting through the door, Mellie sits up immediately. "Speak of the devil," she mumbles.

"Livvie! I came as soon as I got the news. What happened?" Fitz exclaimed. I'm flaming with anger. Fitz has the worst timing, I was about to have my moment with Mellie! I'm in love with that woman! Fitz and I aren't even together anymore, why is he here?

"Fitz, she's tired and she needs to rest. I'm going to bring her home. Please be patient, Fitz. You can ask questions later." Mellie's voice was as smooth as honey. She always sounded angelic.

"But Mellie-"

"No buts! We're leaving now."

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