Chapter 2: Coffee and Alcohol

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A/N: I haven't really decided how often I'm going to update this fanfic, but for now it's going to be a lot because I'm excited about it. Thank you for being excited with me! P.S. I decided that I'm
going to alternate perspectives every chapter, so this chapter will be Mellie's POV. P.P.S. Italics in this chapter are flashbacks.

As soon as we got in the car, it was tense. The drive was only about 10 minutes, but every second felt like an eternity. Me and Olivia's hands continued to move closer to each other, but never touched. I wish they would have.

We arrived at Olivia's apartment complex and I insisted on walking her to her apartment. She resisted, but I said, "I care about you Liv, I just want you to be safe," as she clicked the elevator button.

There were many people in the elevator, so Olivia and I had to squeeze in close together. I was incredibly thankful for this. The whole sides of our upper bodies were pressed up against each other. I brushed the back of her hand with my hand. A few seconds later, she intertwined her fingers with mine. I looked over at her and grinned, she was blushing hard.

Right when the elevator doors opened, I let go of her hand. People couldn't be seeing the President of the United States holding Olivia Pope's hand, not this President. We walked over to Olivia's apartment and she unlocked all of her many locks. Once she was inside, I said, "Call me if something happens or you need to talk. I'll try to answer in the little free time I have. Goodbye Liv." I started to walk away.

"Mellie..." I turned my head back toward her door. I got lost in her deep brown eyes. They were the same color as my coffee when I put just enough milk in it. "Come back." The words replayed in my mind. They were the same words she said to me the night we danced together for hours, celebrating my upcoming presidency.

I began walking toward her apartment when she pulled me in by the hips and our lips connected. She closed the door behind her and pushed me up against the wall. She tasted like black coffee with a hint of an alcohol I couldn't pinpoint. She held my face and passionately kissed me for minutes upon minutes, and I loved every second of it. I hadn't had a simple high school make out in years.

And then it dawned on me... I pulled away. "I have a meeting at 11, Liv. I have to go! Now!" She slid her hands down my sides back down to my hips.

"Are you sure? Can't you just cancel it?" She had a hint of whininess in her usually powerful voice.

"I don't want to be like Fitz, I actually have to get things done as president, Liv." I snuck in another kiss. "Gotta go! Ciao!" I opened her door and left with an electric shock radiating through me.

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