Chapter 4: A Sparkle in Her Eyes

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A/N: The picture above was edited by @/bumblebeebells on instagram and it's really adorable! This chapter is written in Mellie's point of view and takes place a few days after the last chapter ended. Thanks for continuing to read. I love you guys!

I'd been so conflicted lately, Olivia had been out of town for something regarding QPA, so I was forced to think about the future of our relationship. I still didn't know exactly how I felt about her, and I didn't wanna jump into anything in my first few weeks of my presidency.

Fitz was in town for a meeting about the foundation, and I'd thought we should get together to discuss some things about the recent transition in the White House to get my mind off things. We met in the Oval Office as friends. Our relationship (friendly of course) was stronger than ever. I think we really were good for each other, maybe just not as a married couple. Nearing the end of our meeting, of course Olivia had to come bursting through the door.

"Madam President I need you to look over my-" she looked up and looked directly into my ex-husband's eyes. She wasn't supposed to be back until tomorrow! "Oh, you didn't tell me Fitz was going to be here," she shot me a dirty look, then her cheeks flushed. She was jealous, or angry, or a mixture of both. I seemed to be the only one who could read her like this.

"Oh yes, well Fitz and I were just talking about some transition flaws we wanted to clear up, and a bit about his foundation," I said, to calm Olivia down. "I didn't tell you because I thought you were still going to be in Virginia."

Olivia looked down to the space between Fitz and I on the couch, there wasn't much. Was she really mad that Fitz and I were sitting too close together on the couch? We got a divorce for a reason! "Well I better be going anyway," Fitz said, sensing Olivia's irritation. He quickly kissed me on the cheek and shuffled out.


"Really Mellie? You didn't tell me that you were going to be meeting with your ex-husband? Really?"

"I didn't think it would matter to you!" I sighed. "Does it matter to you?"

"Of course! I don't know how you feel about him!" Olivia's face was getting hotter by the second. "And he just kissed you on the cheek!" I was going to break things off, make this a professional relationship only, but clearly that was not an option anymore. We both cared far too much.

Tears were forming in her eyes when I pulled her in for a hug. She collapsed in my arms as I said "what happened Liv? are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just really stressed is all. You have to put in a lot of work for this job. I'm gonna be fine," she sniffled.

I wiped the tear the was beginning to roll down her cheek. "Follow me. Fast." I brought her to my bedroom and didn't leave any place for suspicion on the walk over there. No one in the White House needed to know about this.

"Mellie, look," Olivia said as she met my eyes, "I just really need to sleep right now. I know it's not very late, but I'm exhausted and I don't have anything scheduled until tomorrow afternoon." Her voice was as smooth as honey.

"I know, I know. I didn't plan on anything more." I stepped closer to her so our bodies brushed up against each other. She had a sort of sparkle in her eyes as she looked into mine. She grabbed my hips and our lips collided.

We only kissed for a few minutes, because I knew she was tired. I didn't want to pressure her into anything sexual. We just changed and climbed into bed. I laid my arm over her side and snuggled in close. I played with her hair until she fell asleep, and as soon as she was, I whispered, "what have you gotten me into, Olivia Pope?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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