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These are real numbers so don't call them
Marissa's P.O.V
Today I got a new phone and I already have 25 games and 47 photos! I go to Starbucks to grab a pink drink when my phone dings.

735-384-3756: Hey Jonah wanna go to the park???
Read @ 11:28

I just left him on read cause someone probably just mixed up numbers cause last time I checked my name wasn't Jonah. I walk out of Starbucks and skateboard back home. I get home and go in my room and work on home work cause today is Saturday so I don't have school. I get up to use the bathroom when my phone dings again

735-384-3756: Jonah????

I decided that I would respond just so he knows I am not Jonah or whatever

Marissa: Sorry but I'm not your friend Jonah

735-384-3756: Oh sorry wrong Number. Let's start over Hi i am Jack, Jack Avery

Marissa: Oh aren't you in that band called why don't we????

735-384-3756: yeah please don't leak my number

Marissa: Don't worry I won't
*Marissa changed 735-384-3756 to Jack❤️*
Jack❤️: You never said your name???

Marissa: My name is Marissa

Jack❤️: 👌
*Jack changed ***-***-**** to Marissa🙈*

Jack❤️: what's your Instagram?

Marissa🙈: I don't wanna tell you

Jack❤️:Why I'm the Jack Avery not some creep-o

Marissa🙈: Nope

Jack❤️: Gtg bye

Marissa🙈: bye

For some reason I feel like this person isn't the Jack Avery. To be honest I don't know the why don't we boys, I only know who they are because my friends little sister likes them and she always sings there songs.

I stop doing homework and go on google. I search up the Why don't we boys and they were all pretty cute. They each have something about them that makes them perfect. Like Jack has his noddle hair. Daniel has the baby blue eyes. Jonah has the smile. Zach has the Rosie cheeks and Corbyn has the voice.

I go on Instagram and stalk them and see that they are on tour right now. They are almost done with it, they just go to New York then they are done. Once they are done they come back to L.A (where I am) I listen to there song just to see you smile and start humming along. Tomorrow I am gonna ask 'Jack' if he's the real Jack Avery. I really hope he says yes so that way I can cross 'texting a celebrity' off my bucket list.

New story! I just felt the old one wasn't as good. This is a story about how Jack texts the wrong person and they start to talk a lot and things happen. Vote, comment and follow for me to update and make new stories. Love ya bye 😘 July 15,2017

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