The Release

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Lillianas POV
I step outside the jail gates. Elliana beside me. Our Moms behind us. The wind blows my blonde hair over my face. I am free. I stand there.
"Let's go"I snap. We walk and and hail a taxi. We get in and we go to our old house. We have decided to all move into my house. The trip took about 30 minutes. We got out of the taxi and walked into my house. My mansion. My home. I walk in and settle in my pink room. I begin to plot a plan. I will get my power back. I need it or I will go crazy. I grab my phone. I haven't used it for 1 year. I open up my instagram feed. I have lost about half of my followers. I delete my page. I then walk out of my room towards Mom.
"I need to make that brat Kendall pay"I spit.
"We will get her"Mom screams.
"I want her now"I scream.
"Tonight we will get her"Mom demands. I nod. I walk back to my bedroom. Elliana is waiting for me.
"Hell eli"I whisper.
"Do we have a plan"She snaps.
"Tonight we got to her house as she sleeps and kidnap her"I yell.
"What if it doesn't work"she yells.
"Eli, I will make it work. I get what I  want when I want it"I scream.
"We know"she snaps. She leaves my room. I change my clothes. I walk back out of my room. My feet thud on the hard wood floors. I enter the kitchen and make something to eat. I eat it. Soon it is 11pm. Time to get Kendall.

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